your thoughts here...

Go to a heart specialist doctor.. less chance of infected people in the waiting room than at a general practitioner. You must get your bp meds. Dont do anything crazy. Fight the good fight. Stay strong.
Well we were tested the other day. The test results should hopefully come back today.
Well the virus is taking its toll on me. I don't have it but can't go outside for fear of catching it. I am out of heart medication and the doctors won't send a script to the chemist so my blood pressure is up, as is my stress level. They want me to go into a doctor's clinic with sick people and get a full check up. I can't go outside and I'm sure as hell not going into a room full of sick people. I have had enough of this and everything else. I hope you all survive this and keep up the good work with your fish, but for me it's over. I'm so fed up with everything.
Find a doc that does tele calls. I did the other day. I had to go in to see my PCP but he is scheduling one person at a time in office. Must wear mask and waiting room was empty. You have to take your risk. Die of no meds or die of COVID. Several friends my age have had it now and only had mild fever. Use gloves, mask, and hand sanitizer. And run! Lol
Their problem is that they are drinking... :sick:

Give me a Pepsi and I'll be your friend. Why can't people just stop there? :pepsi:
Their problem is that they are drinking... :sick:

Give me a Pepsi and I'll be your friend. Why can't people just stop there? :pepsi:
Alchohol isnt the problem though, and lots of people go to bars and get non alcoholic drinks, it's the crowded places. If everyone got together and drank Pepsi it would he the same
Alchohol isnt the problem though, and lots of people go to bars and get non alcoholic drinks, it's the crowded places. If everyone got together and drank Pepsi it would he the same
Alcohol is still a big issue. I wasn't talking about it affecting the virus, or promoting it - just how bad it is for your body.
Alcohol is still a big issue. I wasn't talking about it affecting the virus, or promoting it - just how bad it is for your body.
But you said it's because they're drinking....
But you said it's because they're drinking....
Sort of was joking, sort of wasn't. It's like saying the reason you're silly, is because you are blond.

Drinking isn't actually causing the virus, but it is still bad for you. (In large quantities)
So is drinking Pepsi.
Not worse than alcohol my guy... Alcohol can be habit forming. You can get addicted and loose everything trying to get more.

Soda is just a treat. It can cause health problems to those how drink it like water. You need to moderate yourself.

There is nothing wrong with alcohol... if consumed properly, and in safe quantities.

(Edit: A close friend of mine's dad is an alcohol addict. He is on the edge to dying... I won't say any more, but please be praying for him.)
Soda can be addicting, cause kidney stones, and kidney problems.
Also some studies say that sugar is more addicting than heroin and alcohol
You also have caffeine that's addictive but that said I do agree alcohol is worse. I'd much rather deal with my mum who is addicted to diet coke than my dad who has pickled himself over the years.

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