We have 2 hospitals in my area at full capacity on ICU beds now. Worse than first round was. But idiot bar owners are suing the state for forcing them to close down again.
That seems to be the thing in the US, someone upsets you, sue them. Someone looks at you the wrong way, sue them. Someone tries to save people's lives, sue them.We have 2 hospitals in my area at full capacity on ICU beds now. Worse than first round was. But idiot bar owners are suing the state for forcing them to close down again.
You’ll here no arguments from me there.That seems to be the thing in the US, someone upsets you, sue them. Someone looks at you the wrong way, sue them. Someone tries to save people's lives, sue them.
I'm pretty sure the US legal system is shut down for covid19 now so how do these people plan on suing anyone?
Sorry, but the American legal system is over the top when it comes to people suing each other.
Oh - how sad. That poor bride.Wow
Groom dies two days after Indian wedding, 80 people infected with coronavirus
A groom died two days after his wedding in eastern India after becoming infected with coronavirus, with 80 people linked to the ceremony testing positive for Covid-19.edition.cnn.com
That's going to go up a lot higher. You lot in the US could lose 15-30 million people if it wipes out 5-10% of your population. If it kills 5% of the world's population, then potentially 375million people could die from it within one year.Over 520,000 confirmed deaths total worldwide from one virus! A vaccine has to be found!
I hope Reports are correct that a vaccine will be ready by End of 2020..
Oh - how sad. That poor bride.
Indian weddings are famous for (literally) hundreds of guests, and for festivities lasting several days. Awful as it seems, I wouldn't be surprised if there are even more people who turn out to be infected.
it's traditional to offer hospitality to everyone in the village (for village weddings) as well as neighbours work colleagues, friends (however distant) and of course, all family members including very distant members of extended family.How on earth do they get hundreds of guests???
It does indeed.Not related but I thought it would brighten up the post
Super-rare Javan rhinoceros seen near waterfall in Indonesia
The animal is one of only 72 known to exist in the wild.news.sky.com
They have a lot in testing phases. Dr. Anthony Fauci feels we will have one by New Year.there are no known vacines for any of the corona-viruses,