I agree with Colin that we need to radically re-think how we run our economies.
Every country should ensure that they can feed their own population with the basics - so, for example, here in the UK we might not get avocados or tilapia, but we'd have enough potatoes, carrots and eggs. Much less reliance on imports. Encourage small, local businesses to cut down on transport requirements etc
For too long, for the sake of "growing the economy", we have all been encouraged not just to buy and consume too much, but to WASTE so much. eg replacing our phones every time new model comes out. It's not necessary and it doesn't make any of us any happier (on the contrary - we are never contented) and it is destroying the very fabric of the planet.
Everyone needs a roof over their head, food on their table, medical and dental care and a safe place their children to grow up. We can't achieve this if we continue as we are. And - and I know I'll get hammered for this - but we must limit the size of our families. Two successful pregnancies should be the maximum, then BOTH parties sterilised. I'm not preaching eugenics - I don't think that only certain groups should be allowed to have children - but I think every child should be wanted and valued, and if people were limited regarding their offspring, then they would take more care with contraception. (My friend's son, for instance has five children - all by different girls. All of those girls have at least one other child - two have three other children. I don't know how many different fathers - but hardly any of them are involved in their children's lives.)
This isn't good - either for the children or for the planet. There are far too many people. We do not have a "right" to take over everything, and this is God (or nature, or Gaia, if you prefer it) telling us to have a good think about what we are doing. We won't get another chance, and worse than that, we will take the rest of Creation with us.
(Yes - I am a Christian: No - I will not start arguing theology with anyone. No matter what your mindset on this, it is obvious that the planet is overpopulated re: homo "sapiens")