your thoughts here...

The storms all seem to have headed up to Tyneside and LostBear but then they got lost as well :)
Yes- we had some lovely heavy rain, then it tailed off and yesterday was just a few showers and today is just grey and overcast so far (7.22 am)
I think their shows are great, don't get me wrong, but I can't believe they are worth so much money

It's very sad really.

Here in the UK I worry that theatres will close as the govt has made no attempt to support the performing arts at all. Apparently they are "not essential". :( Well, they may not be essential to actually staying alive, but they certainly contribute enormously to quality of life.
It's very sad really.

Here in the UK I worry that theatres will close as the govt has made no attempt to support the performing arts at all. Apparently they are "not essential". :( Well, they may not be essential to actually staying alive, but they certainly contribute enormously to quality of life.

Well I agree to an extent, its costing the government a lot of money, taxes may rise as a result. The reality is though, nobody is going to want to be in a theater watching a play whilst listening the guy sat right above and behind them sneezing...

I think this will likely destroy smaller theater groups completely. The virus is supposed to come back for another peak in winter which is only three months away. Circuses may survive, they don't have large fixed overheads like a normal theater building. They just aska local government "can we setup in that field next week please?" and they get a new patch to work on.

I'd have liked to have gone to a cirque du soleil but they are so expensive.
Cases jumped from 9 million to 10 million in 2 or 3 days. Just crazy
I agree with Colin that we need to radically re-think how we run our economies.

Every country should ensure that they can feed their own population with the basics - so, for example, here in the UK we might not get avocados or tilapia, but we'd have enough potatoes, carrots and eggs. Much less reliance on imports. Encourage small, local businesses to cut down on transport requirements etc

For too long, for the sake of "growing the economy", we have all been encouraged not just to buy and consume too much, but to WASTE so much. eg replacing our phones every time new model comes out. It's not necessary and it doesn't make any of us any happier (on the contrary - we are never contented) and it is destroying the very fabric of the planet.

Everyone needs a roof over their head, food on their table, medical and dental care and a safe place their children to grow up. We can't achieve this if we continue as we are. And - and I know I'll get hammered for this - but we must limit the size of our families. Two successful pregnancies should be the maximum, then BOTH parties sterilised. I'm not preaching eugenics - I don't think that only certain groups should be allowed to have children - but I think every child should be wanted and valued, and if people were limited regarding their offspring, then they would take more care with contraception. (My friend's son, for instance has five children - all by different girls. All of those girls have at least one other child - two have three other children. I don't know how many different fathers - but hardly any of them are involved in their children's lives.)

This isn't good - either for the children or for the planet. There are far too many people. We do not have a "right" to take over everything, and this is God (or nature, or Gaia, if you prefer it) telling us to have a good think about what we are doing. We won't get another chance, and worse than that, we will take the rest of Creation with us.

(Yes - I am a Christian: No - I will not start arguing theology with anyone. No matter what your mindset on this, it is obvious that the planet is overpopulated re: homo "sapiens")
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Update from Australia.
Apparently the big outbreak of covid19 in the eastern states is primarily from security guards that were meant to be guarding hotels and buildings housing quarantined people that had come into the country from overseas.

Some of the guards are claiming they weren't told how to use personal protection equipment and said they weren't told to avoid contact with the people in quarantine. Others are saying they were all told and it doesn't take many brain cells to stay out of buildings and rooms that have big signs on the doors saying "Quarantine laws in force, stay out" "No Entry due to quarantine", etc.

A lot of the security guards that are claiming they weren't told they were guarding a quarantined building are not born in Australia and some are linked to the people that immigrated here from the middle east a few years ago, and who refuse to be tested for covid19.

There are allegations that some of the guards slept with people in quarantine, and guards were regularly seen socialising and interacting with the people in quarantine. There are also claims some of the guards were seen sitting down playing cards and other board games with the people in quarantine.

The guards were meant to be outside the building and were not allowed inside the building, and they were all told they weren't allowed upstairs where the people were being quarantined. There were also big signs up in the building on the elevator doors and stairs saying "No Entry", etc. The stairs also had yellow chains hung across the bottom step with the signs hanging off the chains.

Having said all this, some of the cases are still unable to be traced to their source.

Besides Victoria and New South Wales being back in semi lock down, the rest of the country is apparently free of covid19. But nobody in Western Australia is being tested even tho there are lots of people in my town that are still coughing all over public.

edited to add a new case of covid19 has just been reported from the Northern Territory. Apparently a guy came back to Australia and spent 2 weeks in quarantine in Victoria. He then spent 2 days staying with family and friends in Victoria before flying to Queensland and then into the Northern Territory. He appears to have picked up the virus from his family and friends who he stayed with in Victoria after being released from quarantine.
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