your thoughts here...

Only in an atheist view. In Christian views it makes perfect sense. Not getting into religion, just explaining that the Christian faith leans on John 14:14 “Ask anything in the name of Jesus and it shall be done.”.
I'm a Christian, too, Deanasue. I believe that God answers our prayers- but that sometimes the answer is "no"; sometimes it is "not yet"; and often it it "yes" but in a way we could never imagine, and takes us by surprise. Sometimes it is only many years later that we see that we got what we asked for - but not in the way we expected. Or wanted. We need to be careful what we pray for.

I also believe, trite as it sounds, that the church is the people, not the building.

I do miss the company and the eucharist, though. The church is our family.
Theres an Ebola outbreak (congo) now too. 2020 is insane
the end of the world as we know it.
4 horsemen of the apocalypse.
it's about time humans wiped themselves off the face of the Earth.
humans are stupid and need to stop destroying the environment because it ends bad when they don't.
the end of the world as we know it.
4 horsemen of the apocalypse.
it's about time humans wiped themselves off the face of the Earth.
humans are stupid and need to stop destroying the environment because it ends bad when they don't.
I thought you didnt believe in the Christian faith? ;) not trying to spark debate, just genuinely curious
My comment above is more of an observation than a belief. People are killing the planet and themselves. It's only a matter of time before we all go boom. It's happened before and if people aren't smart, will happen again. Only this time there are lots more people to die and lots more weapons that can wipe us all off the face of the Earth. And if we don't kill each other off, then mother nature will do it for us.

The human race is like an over stocked fish tank that isn't being cleaned regularly. Too many organisms in too small a place with diseases popping up everywhere. Stress from overcrowding is causing tensions to erupt and violent outbursts are occurring everywhere. It's only a matter of time before it collapses and another pandemic hits and next time it will probably be a lot worse than this one.
This world is slowly getting more overpopulated.

Thats why people are looking to move to Mars. I would never move to Mars, even if it was "safe".
I'm a Christian, too, Deanasue. I believe that God answers our prayers- but that sometimes the answer is "no"; sometimes it is "not yet"; and often it it "yes" but in a way we could never imagine, and takes us by surprise. Sometimes it is only many years later that we see that we got what we asked for - but not in the way we expected. Or wanted. We need to be careful what we pray for.

I also believe, trite as it sounds, that the church is the people, not the building.

I do miss the company and the eucharist, though. The church is our family.
I agree 100%. I had a horrible time in my twenties but the things I went through prepared me for the compassion I needed in my healthcare/nursing career. Although I was asking “why”? at the time, I can see now that God was leading my path. :)
Antifa came to my small town to cause trouble like they did in the city nearby. They were met by 1000 armed citizens waiting for them. One of which included a 97 yr old woman carrying an oxygen tank (lol that is my town for ya) the protesters hightailed it out of there
I heard about that! A woman called in to Michael Berry to talk about it.
I heard about that! A woman called in to Michael Berry to talk about it.
It was crazy. Whe I heard they threatened to move to the suburbs i said that they would have opposition but I wasn't expecting that!
We need to learn to co-exist but not through violence. I believe the invention of cyber and intranet began the demise of humanity.
We need to learn to co-exist but not through violence. I believe the invention of cyber and intranet began the demise of humanity.
The internet has nothing to do with it. It simply gives people a chance to see what is happening around the world instead of seeing something edited on the news at 6.

The human race is simply a violent species and has been killing each other for as long as we have been walking on 2 legs. Humans are aggressive and violent and capable of thinking and creating all sorts of things. That gives them a huge advantage when it comes to dominating other species around them. That's why there are so many people here now.

When there were only a few small family groups of humans in a large country, it wasn't a problem because everyone had space. But when you start putting huge numbers of people together, they are going to fight. If you add physical differences like colour, height and personal beliefs, you are just adding fuel to the fire. Add unemployment, discrimination and poverty and you have a powder keg ready to erupt.
The internet has nothing to do with it. It simply gives people a chance to see what is happening around the world instead of seeing something edited on the news at 6.

The human race is simply a violent species and has been killing each other for as long as we have been walking on 2 legs. Humans are aggressive and violent and capable of thinking and creating all sorts of things. That gives them a huge advantage when it comes to dominating other species around them. That's why there are so many people here now.

When there were only a few small family groups of humans in a large country, it wasn't a problem because everyone had space. But when you start putting huge numbers of people together, they are going to fight. If you add physical differences like colour, height and personal beliefs, you are just adding fuel to the fire. Add unemployment, discrimination and poverty and you have a powder keg ready to erupt.
You have every right to your opinion as I have to mine.
We got a curfew emergency alert last night. 9pm-5am

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