PleC & CorY MaD
I think you are digging deep to find something just to keep going and make my comments sound ridiculous in order to show you are right.
Pot,Kettle,Black comes to mind, we will refresh shall we, you said from the start and continued to do so in saying my method was wrong, then you flip, flopped on your statements (mostly regarding filters and o2) and then eventually said...what was it....
There is no right or wrong here because each tank and each scenario is different.
It speaks for it self really.
If for you totally stripping a tank works, for many others it causes issues.
But how did you come to this conclusion lol, it's only you and one other I can gather from all the people that have read it and commented on elevated params.... even the OP has changed the substrate totally by the sounds of it and has not reported on any problems.
There is a situation when certain filters will not have access to enough of oxygen to develop bacteria to the capacity of the filter media for reasons already explained.
No, there is adequate amount of 02 to supply the bacteria that is 'needed' lol, as mentioned before, the media capacity in filters is usually considerably more than needed for a very overstocked tank, it has nothing to do with oxygen content, it has all to do with not actually needing the a bacteria colony that would exceed the media capacity.... even your quote/links from Tom suggested a problem would occur when a filter is turned off and no oxygenated water is passing through..... isn't this common sense.
There is a scenario when the water colum itself won't have enough of oxygen.
Yes your right... hasn't this been mentioned before lol.... but a general run tank with no problems wont have this problem....In fact in theory, a build up of biofilm 'could' cause this low oxygen problem, build of of biofilm can be csue from a mature tank/excess of proteins which a substrate can cause. Where do you stand on that problem, if a substrate always has a major role to play?
There are a lot of scenarios why not everything important is in the filter.
I don't think you read the thread correctly, I didn't say the filters contents are the only important things.... of course the tank items are important, but there only important in playing the part if they are needed.... ill say again...removing the tank items and removing the reasons why they are there, the these tank items have a much less important role...wouldn't you agree?
I can't bring it down to one scenario, because there isn't such a scenario to which all of us can stick and call it the absolute law in aquarium.
But you initially didn't state a scenario, you stated on a whole and broad stated that removing the substrate will cause issues, this is what I had a problem with
I am just touching multiple possibilities in attempt to explain something you refuse to understand.
Don't speak to me as though im a muppit, I understand perfectly what your going on about, your narrow mindedness of only your method is correct and then your blatant stepping backwards when it suits you to try and convince readers this is what you were going on about the whole time is actually hilarious.... however, because people know your name and it seems most of the members here respect you, they disregard anybody else's evidence and take yours as gospel...I read a thread in this section earlier by a couple of other members regarding this thread and basically slagged me off without naming names lol, strange when your evidence is no better than mine .... tbh I just think your a know it all.... most of your stuff is based on you reading it, most of mine is from experience...and after all experience counts for everything in this game..... this is the reason why I don't use forums, especially this one for a long time..... because you have members which get a cliquey attribute and whatever they say (whether they are wrong or not)..have there statements taken over less well known members often with correct and damming opinions. I see this forum hasn't changed much, apart from the members names.
You are trying to convince people with little experience that moving and changing substrate around is totally fine in 100% of the cases.
You are still adding words arnt you, when did I state this, when did I say that removing everything is a sure fire perfect no hassle way.... if I was I wouldn't state to check params to be on the cautious side.
This again isn't what you intial commets stated, go back and read them... I think you find that you stated removal of the substrate is a complete no no..... what confuses me is you stated all this yet you changed your completely in your tank.Sadly it isn't. But I agree that in certain cases it doesn't cause a big problem,
especially not in tanks that experience total make over every 3 months and are used for breeding purposes and no other decoration or substrate
Again this isn't what I stated, I don't change mine every 3 months lol, nor do I not have substrate in tanks...general or breeding, tanks always have wood, caves etc etc. Still do the strip downs, still never had a problem..... and I haven't/don't just do this on breeding tanks.... another thing you made assumptions about
But attempt that in a 1-2 year old tank that has grown to develop a full flora and fauna of all kinds, inclusind the micro ones. By removing the substrate, you would cause a total disbalance and I stand by that.
LOL... I have many many times, my whole point exactly, stand by it, makes no difference to me nor obviously to others because by the sounds of it, it doesn't matter what evidence is shown by anybody but you, they are going to take your word anyways lol.
No, what they explained is what many should already know.... ie, no water regarding turing off the filter.... then no o2 distribution...not really hard to fathom tbh.As for oxygen, I hope the posts from Tom Barr and Darrel explain something to you why oxygen is in short supply, including in a cannister filter. It also answers the question about trickle filters.
Now you prefer to stick to the original post. Good. However, from the very beginning I asked that you don't generalize your statements, because people have different types of setups and your "ways" may not apply very well to all.
And with, or without the plants, the substrate pays important role. The quoted posts above answer some of the questions you mentioned you've never come across such info, besides from me...So with a bit of a delay I bothered to give you some info that I said is out there for you to find.
Not at all, ive said it all along.... again though your making your own words, adding them to my comments and then trying to throw it back and state that im wrong because you said so.... ive never changed my thinking or statements....unlike you.
And as to the very beginning part, no you didn't, from the beginning you stated removing the substrate, full stop was a bad thing... only now you saying that in certain circumstances lol.
I didn't say my way is the be and end all, what I stated is there is unlikely to be problems when you read exactly what was proposed. I didn't generalise because I gave reasons to why what I said works and why you 'shouldn't' have problems, your the one that cam with your know it all ways and said, point blank im wrong, and then stated like I have quote at the top of this post....
There is no right or wrong here because each tank and each scenario is different.
This really is my last post because i'm bored and im likely to say something ill get banned for and apart from you and your seemingly cliquey followers lol, this forum is actually quite good. So you stay out of my way and I will do the same .