Considering A Fluval Edge... Stock?


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Jul 4, 2009
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Considering selling up my shell dweller tank due to space and time maintaining it... but i wouldnt mind going with something smaller.
im considering a fluval edge, but its bothering me what to put in it! our water around her is reasonibly hard and a ph of 7.2, obviously being a small tank i wouldnt mind buying ro water for it from the lfs as it wouldnt be that dear.. anyone got any ideas? :hyper:
Species only tank for different corys', guppies look awesome, ive had emerald eyed rasboras that are tiny and look quite mice.

Have a look in the species section at ones that sound nice, pop into your lfs at what they have to then research the species.
The only thing that you'll need to watch with the fluval edge is that due to it's design, there generally isn't much air between the top of the water and the glass at the top. This shouldn't be a problem as long as you can still have sufficient surface agitation, but you'll want to bear in mind air breathing fish like gouramis might not do too well.

How about something like 5 or 6 threadfin rainbowfish with some cherry shrimp or pygmy cories? Threadfins don't really get much bigger than your average tetra or barb so should be fine in a tank that kinda size.

What size are they again? Is it 25L?
I don't know if I'd recommend cories in an edge because of their habit of gulping air from the top. but there are certainly lots of cool fish that will make for a high-impact display in the edge:

Now here is a stock list from the thread Stocking Fluval Edge, which I strongly suggest you read. I also recommed this thread in which a total noob with no prior fishkeeping experience pulls a properly stocked edge off.

I agree. No neons. Here are some potential tenants:

One of these
-5 male Endlers livebearer
-6 Microrasboras*
-6 Emerald eye / green neon tetras
-3-5 Male Guppies
-3 Bumblebee gobies**
-1 Dwarf puffer**
-3 African Dwarf Frogs (possibly?)

And / or one of these (except with ** fish)
-4-6 Dwarf shrimp eg. Cherry Shrimp, CRS, CBS, Pearl Blue Shrimp, Emerald Green Shrimp, Amano Shrimp
-3 Ghost Shrimp
-2 Zebra / Nerite Snails
-1 Ramshorn Snail

* This genera includes a zillion little rasboras that are all under about 1.5". Very cool fish and perfect for small setups. Just a few from this family are: Celestial Pearl Danios / Galaxy Rasboras, Boraras briggitae, B. merah, exclaimation point danios... the list goes on! DOn't forget: keep no less than 6 of the same species.
** For more experienced fish keepers. They are rather messy and will not accept dry food.

Hope that helped! Obviously you will have to fiddle around with the actual numbers if you want to get reasonable bioload but all species should be happy in an Edge.

Depending on whether you want to feed live food, you could also house a peacock gudgeon (I believe), some dario dario (You HAVE to check out a picture of this one), badis badis or smaller killies like pygmy sunfish (?) or lamp-eye killies.

Whatever you choose, good luck!
thanks for the list. its not a definate that im going for it. ive been thinking about all shrimp, but ive no experience what so ever with live plants, although i have done my fair share of reading about them!.. id be on a budget of £170 at the minute.. anyone think up of something else?
I gave up with live plants in my edge tank, they grew so quickly i couldnt keep up with them and they rapidly filled the tank!!! being so close to the light and all...

The first set up i had (and i didnt fill the tank to the top, i left a gap) i had 1 male and 4 female fighters, three wcmm's, 3 male cherry barbs and a sewelia sucker loach. Looked lovely but because of the plants going mad, i had to restart the tank, it's now running with a light sand base with a few nice shaped bits of driftwood and a few scattered shells about, 4 x Sparkling Gourami, 3 x Apistogramma (1 male, 2 female) and 5 x cardinal tetras, simple, beautiful and easy peasy to clean, i use RO water and added a Fluval 2+ filter wool pad cut to fit, water change every 2-3 weeks, never need to algae clean, water never gets poor.... i actually like the tank i slagged off for age!

I was planning on getting an Oto, but apparently they're shoaling fish and I've already allocated tank space (in theory) to a male Betta and 4 Galaxy Rasboras....does anyone know if there is a small suckerfish that can live solo in a Fluval Edge?

Also, is 4 Rasboras too little?

Jen and Mike

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