Conductivity Probe... What Does It Read?

Think of it as TDS readings. Both measure the same unit (I cannot remember which now) and measure the amount of stuff dissolved in water by measuring how easily electricity flows through it...
Dont use a TDS meter in a saltwater solution it will send the thing haywire.
You use it for measuring freshwater before and after the RO unit.
Dont use a TDS meter in a saltwater solution it will send the thing haywire.
You use it for measuring freshwater before and after the RO unit.
You can buy salt water versions tho??? its like £132 one just the probe?
You can buy salt water versions tho??? its like £132 one just the probe?
Yes you can.
Using different metals for the probe but its rather extravagant.
Indeed, you can use a conductivity meter to measure salt content in seawater. As BigC says though, it's rather extravagant.

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