

Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I'm going to start conditioning (Or try to) on monday.
This is what I have so far..

Move one male out of the 5G, giving one male the rule of the tank. Change water every day, feed frozen bloodworms.
Move on female out of the 2.5G, giving one female rule of the tank. Change water everyday, feed frozen bloodworms.
After a week and a half or so, with the males large bubble nest move female in. Watch female, make sure their's little agression.
After seeing _______(?) remove female from tank.
Remove male when fry are free-floating.
Feed fry ______(Whats easy and quick?), after a week or so move into grow out tank. Then, when males start fighting, Seperate males.

Sound right?
I've seen a few places your supposed to lower the water level in the breeding tank, whats this about?
What should be in the tank during breeding? Javamoss and a few styrofome cups?
You are going to let her float in a jar for atleast a day before actually letting her in right?This way he will see her and build the nest, and then when you feel confident, let her out.

Males usually blow bubble nest under styro foam cups cut in half and stuck to the side or indian almond leaves.

Makes sure there are LOADS of hiding spaces and retreats for the female, maybe even borrow some ornaments from other tanks if you dont have enough.

And you've started your Baby Brine Shrimp cultures for the fry right? it's kind of hard to feed them anything else.


Nope. I've not yet got a great explaination on any kind of food someone as...'smert' as me can follow. Lol.
I can remember somone telling me about a worm that you grow in oatmeal, that sounded easy enough.
I would not recomend breeding if you dont have the proper food for the fry :nod:

Maybe you can ask a breeder on the forum to send you some culture of theres?

You can just buy some culture from you LFS. But its always better to get them from a member from here, Wuvmybetta gave me my live culture... Some microworms and grindle or somethin like that...
But whats the stuff you grow in oatmeal?
Nope. I've not yet got a great explaination on any kind of food someone as...'smert' as me can follow. Lol.
I can remember somone telling me about a worm that you grow in oatmeal, that sounded easy enough.
Oh pfffft, myself and others have told you about BBS several times.
Buy eggs and hatch them. Here's how. It takes 1-2 days for them to hatch, and you can find eggs at most LFSs. They are BY FAR the best food for fry.

The worms you grow in oatmeal are microworms. I find they grow best in moist baby cereal and yeast... the yeast is the key, since microworms eat bacteria. The yeast need the oatmeal to grow, and the worms need the yeast to grow. I can send you a starter culture for the price of shipping (like a dollar, maybe?) if you want, PM me. Wuv also has some and she could probably send you grindals as well... my cultures are kinda struggling, otherwise I would.
You need to lower the water so that the male betta can find the fry as and when they fall out of the bubble nest, and don't forget you need a night light so that he can see them fall out of the nest at night.
Oh pfffft, myself and others have told you about BBS several times.
I know, but I'm more of a...visual person.
I've never seen that link before.... That mighta' helped..
It sounds like you haven't read the "Pinned Topics"
Wuv wrote and excellent article on step by step breeding so you can go back and refer to it often and there's also a section in pinned topics on live food and culturing that has pictures.
After seeing the male and female embrace several times, and wait until the female has stopped dropping eggs and the male chases her from the nest, remove female from tank.
Remove male when fry are free-floating. (free-swimming, not free-floating ;))
Feed fry Microworms and Baby Brine Shrimp(Whats easy and quick?), after a week or so move into grow out tank.

It should be what's easy and quick, you should feed what keeps your fry alive and thriving. Trust me, it'd be a huge bummer to spend all of this money and time on spawning, and end up with all of your fry dead from not eating/feeding enough. Microworm cultures are extremely easy. So are BBS hatcheries, it's basically a bottle of salt-water (with airline added) with pre-packaged BBS eggs (San Francisco Bay Brand eggs are very readily available) from your local Petsmart thrown in, and a day later you have fry food for the next 2-3 days. Go find some eggs, and start testing out your hatchery now. Also get your MW culture ASAP, so it can be thriving by the time you have fry.

It sounds like you should go to and read up on her spawning pages :)
Nope. I've not yet got a great explaination on any kind of food someone as...'smert' as me can follow. Lol.
I can remember somone telling me about a worm that you grow in oatmeal, that sounded easy enough.

I can send you some microworms or confused flour beetles if you want.

Also, I saw this stuff on aquabid, Atison's Betta Starter. Here's what it says:

Feed according to fry age and density twice a day from day 3 to the end of the first month. The spoon included is designed for about 300 fry on day 3.

Mr. Atison Phumchoosri is recognized worldwide as one of the most respected Betta breeders. By combining Mr. Atison's unrivaled experience in breeding Betta fish and our unique know-how in developing high-end feeds we have developed the Atison's Betta Products. Using Mr. Atison's vast testing grounds, we were able to determine that this product range specifically meets the needs of the betta species. To lear more about Mr. Atison, visit

Has anyone tried this stuff? I have the Atison's Betta Spa which is basically a water treatment that has Indian Almond Extract in it. My fish seem to like it.

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