Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank


New Member
Jun 6, 2008
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hello. i just joined this new site and can u guys help me. i ordered a new 700 FOWLR tank yesterday and was hoping that you guys could help me with my stocking. the fish i wanna add are as follows
1 blue-ring angelfish 5-6 in
1 emperor angel 5-6in
1 majestic angel 5-6 in
1 blueface angel 5-6 in
1 queen angel 6-7 in
1 koran angel 7-8 inches
2 flame angels 3-4 in
4 regal tang 2-3 in
2 yellow tang 3-4in
2 puple tang 3-4 in
1 desjardin sailfin tang 4-5 in
1 powder blue tang 3-4 inches
1 dussumier tang 5-6 inches
1 naso tang 5-6 inches
3 falcula butterflyfish 3-4 in
2 golden butterflyfish 3-4 in
3 bannerfish 3-4 inches
2 sandsifting gobbies 3-4 in
1 magnificent rabbitfish 5-6 in
2 niger triggers 3-4 in
1 black trigger 5-6 in
1 male blue throat trigger 5-6 in
2 cleaner wrasse
now i know it seems a bit overstocking but i know from sources that most fish dont reach their adult size in captivity nop matter what size aquarium. also about the cleaner wrasse, their will be so many fish they can feed of and will not have food problems. i have specificly ordered this aquarium for the angelfish because people say you ned a big one to keep these many. and also my petshop has around 8large angelfish species in their display and they never had problems for 2 years. My lfs is reliable and can specificly order a specimen for me. they will even keep it for 2-3 weeks after the payment to insure that the customer recieves a good specimen. i will design my tank to have many hi9ding places at the back 18 inches or so and leve the front with only some decoration so that the fish have both hiding and swimming places. please tell me your opinion on this... thankyou
The triggers could cuase a problem becuase they might end up eating the cleaner wrasse.
well i have chosen the more peaceful triggers and have also seen pictures of them being cleaned by cleaner wrasse. so the risk is not to big, if they do eat them, then i will remove the culprit because with these many tangs ich could break out any time and it is hard to treat a very large tank...thank you for your reply
thats strange because ich is the most common disease in saltwater...... by the way thank you for welcoming me.......
About the only thing I'd worry about would be QT and acclimation methods. The cleaner wrasses should be fine, the sandsifting gobies may become a meal years down the road when the triggers get full grown, but even then its prolly unlikely. Just be warned that probably the only cleanup crew organism that would survive in there would be Urchins and/or True turbo snails. My other concern is with the butterflyfishes. You know that most are very difficult to get to eat frozen food right?

And I mentioned QT and acclimation. Would be a smart idea if in addition to the cleaner wrasses, you combated Ich by QTing all new arrivals for 4 weeks or so. Would also make sense if you had say a 4' tank so you could put a few fish in there at once, maybe 3-4 of them. Once they get through QT add them all at once. This will spread out any aggression issues you may have with so many fish.
thank you so much for answering......also i already had a 50 gallon tank because of my previous goldfish and i have already set iot up for quarantine......i have set it up so that by the time the new tank cycles, this should also cycle. ....and abt the butterflyfish, i know many are very hard to feed but the ones i picked ranked one of the highest..... are youguys sure that i wont have any problems with the angels. also i know that ich can be prevented by quarantine but ive heard that ich is very common with the powder blue tang and so im adding the wrasse just in you guys think that i can get a scribbled angel instead of the really confused cuz i like both.....what do you guys think. scribbled or bluering???
Oh yeah, forgot to mention... With that many Tangs, an autofeeder is a MUST in the aquarium. They need multiple feedings daily and this is a pain to do by yourself ;)
Oh yeah, forgot to mention... With that many Tangs, an autofeeder is a MUST in the aquarium. They need multiple feedings daily and this is a pain to do by yourself ;)
dont worry i have already planned for tangs also eat the algae growing on the glass....because my tank is really tall 3 feet and i would hate to reach in there and scrape it off.
ok, maybe it's: my bad. I read something over on RC where someone was talking about marine ich is a misinterpreted diagnosis or something like that and how there really isn't a marine ich.
ok, maybe it's: my bad. I read something over on RC where someone was talking about marine ich is a misinterpreted diagnosis or something like that and how there really isn't a marine ich.

Yes, Ich is often misdiagnosed but it certainly does exist
Well you already have every popular angel in the hobby... What's two more?
Define ich? The freshwater "ich" parasite is called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, notice the Ich at the beginning? Thats where the word ich came from. The most common "marine ich" is Cryptocaryon irritans as well as marine velvet which can sometimes be called ich is Amyloodinium sp. Notice how the marine ones dont have the ich in their words.

So in this way, there is no such thing as saltwater Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, which is the true "ich". But the symptoms of the freshwater one and saltwater ones and the similarities just earned it the word ich.

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