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Pleco Heaven,
Those are some lovly Firemouths...Do you have spawining couples? I heard that firemouths can sell for some major cash! :fun:
No, not yet. I want t breed them before i have to probably let go of them, cause My tank Is 'too' small for em'. Some people said It wa'n't room for even One!! How Totally stupid is that!!! It would have Loads Of Swimming room, Heck It would probably be enough room to spawn them.
They say my tank is overstocked, Ooh let me see All clear since cycling! And Only 1 death in the history of the tank. Ohh And to dilute the post- ;) :p :D :lol: B) :rolleyes: :) :wub: :thumbs: :fun: :sly: :hyper: :shifty: :* :nod: 8) :whistle: :rofl: :kana: :flex: :clap: :cool: :dunno: :kewlpics: :hey:
:wub: Big Mama is beautiful!!! I had a female just like her named Tammy, but she died last year. :-(

:sad: Last month I lost my large female black molly, Tara. :-( She was gorgeous and I loved her so much. Here's a picture of her. :thumbs:


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Hi, everyone - I do enjoy looking at all your lovely photos, some great tanks and some fish I have never seen before. What a pleasure.

Thought I would share a few of mine.


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zapylady! What size of tank is that? Those dwarf Groumis look small! And all of the angelfish and stuff look totally awesome! I think i might redisign my tank sorta like that?!! :D :hey:
Well Im gonna say it again Sasha(maybe for the third time now -_- :) :unsure: ) hehe...But i love your fish! They look totally awesome? Does anyone know if mollies, platys, swordtails(i have never kept swordtails before) corys and maybe dwarf gorami get along together...i want to have livebearers in this tank(not guppies since I have a tank for them) and an assortment of catfish on the bottom...what do i need to do and what to get rid of(also my budget is limited so any ideas??? :nod: :blink: :unsure: :D )
Oh im sorry! If you havent seen my tank yet(its a few pages back..WE're on PAGE 9!!!!)Heres a picture of it... You can see what I have in there. But if you can't heres a list...
1 AquaClear Powerhead 402
1 Maxima Air pump(2 in 55 and the other in 10)
1 PETCO roman ruins centerpiece
4 colums(1 free..3 put in to rock)
A WHOLE LOT of slat/ flagstone
Blue Gravel
Lid & Light

So any ideas? My fish are in my profile(link below in signature) :D :D :p BUT IF YOU CANT HELP GO AHEAD AND ADD MORE OF YOUR PICS!!!!


  • MVC_048F.JPG
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:D Thank you very much stubby0143!!

:hyper: Your tank is stunning! I'm sure mollies, platys, swordtails, corys and a dwarf gorami would live happily in a tank togther. I had a female Pearl Gourami in my tank a few months back and she didn't bother anyone! :thumbs:
This is my new crowntail boy's nest :D

so big....and this is only his 2nd day home :D


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and this is him and his girlfriend picking up eggs from the bottom of the tank :wub:


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WOW... this is awsome! i love everones pictures..>! well i need all of your help.. i know my tank is getting over stalked and i (just like stubby) is low on money.. and i dont really know what a good size of tank would be good... i have a 10 gallon right now... so what would be good for a bunch of guppies and a few other fish.. any ideas? (heres a pic)

p.s i was thinking of 75 but it has come to mind that. a 75 is ganna be huge... maybe a 50? or a 20? or suggestions?


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