Columnaris is vicious

wuvmybetta said:
Why would you think that a difference of opinion would piss anybody off?
Because, it just seems like lots of threads have gotten really ugly lately, to the point where they have to be deleted or closed down because of differing opinions.
I comment in a lot of those posts, and I usually manage to get someone who ends up laying into me for my comments. :dunno:

I'll see if I can find some blackwater around here - not sure who sells it in my area.
The girls are all coming along great.
each of us has had different experiences with fish, good and bad, in the past and all these opinions can lead to new ideas for what to do. don't be surprised if someone disagrees with you or anyone else since forums are discussions - what we're giving is our experiences, right or wrong, with it. possibly someones tried that suggestion before with no success and see no point in trying it again, they just didn't take the time to list all they've tried over the years, can be pretty time consuming listing all similar successes and failures with each question! in everyday life people don't agree on everything about everything. all these opinions are good and are ideas that can help us learn and learning is the important thing :)

EDIT: just had an idea, you know, if there was only one way to do things that worked correctly each time there wouldn't be a need for a forum :D
hows your poorly betta's doing.
Glad to hear that.
BettaMomma said:
They're all getting better, Millie went back into the big tank last night - good as new.
Thanks for asking. :)
Silver? huh,huh? Ya think?

I love hearing success stories with it, so if you think that helped...shout it from the rooftops!
Yeah, i'm sure it helped!
It's been helping charlie with his velvet, too - he's not twitching around at all anymore.
It's also helping Lucky's tail grow back like CRAZY. I'll try to post some pics of it later today.
Awesome :wub: :thumbs:

I have a little tail-less wonder too. He looked just like Lucky when I pulled him from the grow-out,they'd really did a number on him -_- I gave him some silver the first day, a high dose, changed his water two days later and he went into the regular schedule with the other jarred kids and within two weeks the largest portion of his tail was back. :thumbs: wtg silver!
Did you see them do it to him? Did someone just rip his tail clean off or did they pick away? Or maybe you didn't even see it happen....

I still wonder..
BettaMomma said:
Did you see them do it to him? Did someone just rip his tail clean off or did they pick away? Or maybe you didn't even see it happen....

I still wonder..
No, I never saw a thing. I just spotted him swimming along with the rest and I was like " :eek: :grr: " and pulled him out.

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