Coldwater Shoaling Fish, Are there any?

rocks :nod: there free and can add interest ,just make sure you wash em well,all ive got in my tropical tank is a large lump of quartz and some beach pebbles along with a few shells and plastic plants

those are regular goldfish.

nothing wrong with regulars and theres quite a bit colour in there
Comets will grow to 12"-14" Take a flower pot and tos it in or even cut out the bottom and toss it in. If you have a good cut off wheel you can even do this with a terracotta pot.


Yep mostly normal Goldfish and Comets which reach 10"+, there is also a Fancy which should reach 8"+. :)
i know theres nothing wrong with them, i have one and I love it, all I was saying is that theyne not a tiny species.

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