Coldwater Shoaling Fish, Are there any?

ryan said:
shmeepie said:
ok, which ones would fit in a 31 gallon (125 litre) tank, with 5 goldfish already in it?
I wouldn' add any to that size tank which already contains five Goldfish. Its not really big enough for the Goldfish let alone another group of 5-6 shoaling fish. :)
I totally aggre with Ryan
It's too small for goldfish! :no:
heres jaws 2 you can see him/her next to a 10" koi it was 2" in length 5 years ago when i bought it ,get the picture ,im not aware of australian goldies growing smaller than the rest of the world


  • jaws.jpg
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oops sorry yes there is one its called the australian stunted golfish,its known by this name becouse its kept in a tank thats too small for it :no: shmeepie ,,ryan and the rest of us dont say these thing just for the hell of it if your gonna keep fish keep em correctly ,theres plenty of info out there and if your lfs is telling you hey these are the small type i suggest you tell him to shut up shop and find a new career ,* steps off soapbox * :whistle:
Well yes there is a big kind and a little kind the big kind are called Koi and they can reatch 36" in length.

Alternatively you may be talking about haveing them sell some small ones and larger ones as feeder but they are simply fish at different ages how long have you had them?
I suppose your going to say that siamese fighting fish can't be kept in tiny fish bowls like all the fish shop owners do?
sorry i shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't doubt your ability of knowing fish a whole lot better than I do
You are all so lucky to have tropical tanks! Tropical fish are the prettiest, besides tropical marine fish! I really want to get some tetras, but I can't because they are tropical... :sad: :-( Does anyone know if there is a kind of tetra that is coldwater?
White Cloud Mountain Minnows are your best bet but your tank is already full. I cant figure out why they are only 2 inches long at 2 years old assumeing that you have a good filter anduse activated carbon and water changes along wih adequit feeding I simply cannot for the life of me figure out what culd be causeing the stunting. I cant think of any fish that could be mistaken for a gold fish either. If you were to post a pic I would really enjoy takeing a look at your fish.

Now as far as Bettas go those litte cups they come in are not acceptable long term homes infact a full grown betta will produce enought waste to choke itself with amonia if left in a cup like that but for bettas a half gallon of water is acceptable. They have adaptations for liveing in stagnant pools of water than goldfish simply do not poses and are about the hardies fish imaginable (with the noteable exception of clarias catfish)

And don't worry you probably haven't offended us yet the last guy to show up came in and lied to us then ignored us and proceded to continue lieing and blamed his abuse of fish on his busy lifestile. As far as I can tell you were genuinely misenformed and now you know better and can corect your problems/not make any more mistakes. Good on you.

umm i will post the pics, but first i have to get them off my dads camera
hmmm the best way to keep fish is to imagine what there natural hbitat would be like and try your best to match it ergo a siamese fighter shouldnt be kept in a bowl but in a tank with plants etc,as for goldfish they are related to carp and some of these chaps can reach sizes of 30LB plus the carp that is now imagine a 2-1/2lb goldfish in a 3ft tank :unsure:
there is plenty of shoaling fish rudd, orfe,minnows etc

but you really need lots and lots of open space to actually see them shoaling
im talking ,BIG pond here

in a tank i think they feel safe enough to venturre alone and therefore loose the
instinct to shoal

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