New Member
My callico fantail keeps attacking the goldfish and other fantail in the tank. Can anybody tell me why? and is it normal? and what should I do about it? Thanks.
black angel said:Hi and welcome to the forum
First off you need to describe what exactly it is doing, it could be spawning behaviour. If it is aggression then there should be ripped fins and missing scales, and if spawning the male will chase the other fish and bump them from behind and push them around.
black angel said:Sounds more like breeding behaviour, how big are they? If its a breeding mature male then you will see little bumps on the gill plates and front fins.
If the fish is small then usually its more common to see when the fish are excited, normally at feeding time. How many fish have you got and is it spread out between the fish? I wouldnt do anything to stop it unless the fish being chased is exhausted and then it would be best to remove one of them to a seperate tank for a while.