Coldwater Fish Aren't 'other Pets'!

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I would have to agree with andywg's comments. First off, as you scan the TFF homepage, it is very obvious to see that there is a coldwater fish section. So, I don't think that there is an issue here about visibility. Certainly, one can make an argument re: the 'other pets' vs. 'they are fish'.

However, this forum has been growing by leaps and bounds every year. Nano reefing is hot right now and expanding, hence, a sectional addition to the marine section. Should there be continued growth and interest in the Coldwater section, I would imagine that William would have no problem making any indicated changes when the time indicates. SH
I know that :p Just making a point. Maybe there should be a sub-section in the Hybrids forum entitled 'Mutants'. Thats got a good ring to it
It doesn't have a good ring to it, because its insulting to other people's pets. But you say what you want, you're obviously allowed the fine priviledge of being the troll of this thread. Do you troll every thread, or have only 4,999 of your posts been full of inflamatory remarks?

Knocking, no, briefly skimming over the wide range of health problems (seen the PFK article about new legislation possibly mentioning (maybe banning) some fancy goldfish? They have to be pretty awful to get animal cruelty legislation about them).....

Knocking is right, and you'll prove in your very next comment, then expect us to ignore the "knocking" again.

Most people who know how to keep goldfish never see "the wide range of health problems" in their fish that you're trying to make out like everyone has. This is news to me, and probably news to most goldfish breeders/keepers. Someone needs to tell them that the the majority of their fish are having "the wide range of health problems" you say they should be having.

....not to mention the fact that most of them are plain ugly.... Who wants a fish who's eyeballs look like they've been given collagen injections and face the wrong way? But lets ignore that for now.

There you go, the knocking again. Its just not what the thread is about....but let's ignore this just because you want us to....

Hold on, whose standards? Mine? I don't recall mentioning this...

You don't mention the obvious, but maybe that wasn't known. Your standards became apparent in your statements about "some fancy goldfish".

If I were to say something about not liking really bad paintings that other people might call "art", I would be revealing standards for what I consider "bad art". This will not be explained further.

In case you didn't notice, 'Tropical Saltwater - Reefs and Marine' doesn't contain the word fish. nd it is, in actual fact, a seperate section, not in the tropical fish section. Reef tank do, in the majority of cases, contain fish, but in the majority of cases, coldwater tanks aren't tropical. Funnily enough.

I just explained this.....and will explain it only one more just don't get it.....

A "reef tank" is an aquarium that is "reef" based. The main focus and main priority of this type of tank (this includes nano reef tanks) is the invertebrate population which mainly resides on the "live rock", much like a reef out in the sea. Fish that live amongst the reefs are few in this type of tank. They are not the main focus of this type of tank. Many reef tanks, especially nano reefs, don't even have any fish in them. Therefore, the "reef systems" are not fish based. Reef tanks aren't really about fish, they are about the invertebrates that live on the "live rock".

By YOUR very obvious standards, the standards you have made obvious in this thread...oh wait....maybe I need to explain your standards to you....

You revealed your standards when you said, "Goldfish are not tropical, therefore belong under "other pets". Moving them now would "do nothing for no one"".

Your standards are based in the wording "tropical" and "fish" being something you can't seperate. Goldfish are fish, but aren't tropical....therefore they aren't up to the "tropical fish" standard. You want to keep goldfish down in the "other pets" section because, even though they're still fish, they aren't "tropical".

Therefore, by your standards, there should be a "Saltwater Tropical Fish" section, or maybe a "Tropical Saltwater Fish" section....and everything else should be in shoved down into the "other pets", because, though they may be "tropical", they aren't "fish".

You're clearly biased torwards goldfish, and your bias makes your argument and baseless statements useless in this thread. Calling them "vilely mutated" and bringing up some very silly potential ban of these great fish that will never happen is not staying on topic with this thread. The topic of the thread is that goldfish aren't "other pets", they are FISH.

Heh? Didn't catch a word of that, but other pets is a section for creatures that aren't tropical, or salt water, or tech related. Fish can be included.

Hopefully I was more clear and simple this time. Fish can be included in that section, out of freedom of choice....sure. But "coldwater fish" need an OBVIOUS section that is their own section, just as the "saltwater reef" creatures have theirs.

I can show you two threads in the past few days that were started in "tropical chit chat" because they didn't know there was a section here AT ALL for goldfish. Scroll back in this thread, and you'll see a comment that it was not known there was a goldfish section as well.

Whats trendy :huh: Not liking fancy goldfish, you mean? I like my fish as natural as possible, not inbred up to the eyeballs, skin folds, hunchbacks, 'I've swallowed a beanbag' belly and invisible dorsals.

Trendy may have been a bad word. Traditional would be a better word. Your opinions and nasty coments on their looks is totally, utterly, and completely useless in this thread. Stick to the subject.

Having them in a different section doesn't make them 'unequal'. It's common sense.

I didn't say anything "makes" them unequal, I said people see them that way.

Since you're talking about it however, how many bettas are being kept in those vile betta hexes, or similar? How many bala sharks are being kept in 10gs? How many common plecs are kept in tank way too small? Hopw many clownfish and tangs are bearing the brunt of 'I want a nemo tank!'? Cruelty happends everywhere, not just to goldfish.

You again, made my point. And how many of these have been, on top of all this, shunned and put down by others when something is said on their behalf, and how many of these are shoved down into "other pets" with the reptiles and cats?

Why exactly? Respects respect, not liking them is another matter completely.

I was talking about the tropical fish keeping community in general, the world doesn't revolve around just you.
Humm, interesting. Mutant goldfish.
Actually, I've seen mutant goldfish in the shops and they don't look very happy - but then most fish don't look very happy most of the time. Something to do with the shape of their mouths I spose.

Anyway, let's not fight about fish :( it's what we're all here for, because we love fish (or are suffering some degree of obsession) I can see why it gets heated but all that will happen is the thread will get locked, or moved (read: deleted) or some of us will end up with people they aren't talking to - which in turn will make it unplesant to reply on their threads, even if we are interested and we'll all end up sitting at our computers looking like this:

Not very happy, is he? no. Poor old trout.
this is 'board announcements and suggestions' where someone, i.e the starter of this thread decided it may be of benefit to the forum, and that maybe suggesting an idea to his/her fellow (i think that word 'fellow' has been lost here somewhere along the lines) members may kick-start some kind of reaction if the majority agreed. Now, obviously most members do not agree with the suggestion given (some lees than know who you are), therefore i do not expect that the suggestion would be taken any further than this thread, but its not up to me its up the the mod and admin team. I think this suggestion has reached a near unanimous decision now (i know some of you think otherwise, dont worry), and therefore needs no trolling or flaming to convince the mods any further (i think everyone has got the message by now).
What has any of this got to do with fancy tailed goldfish anyway? I think we need to sit back (deep breaths) and remember what this thread is actually about.
because its insulting to other people's pets
Too much of this flaming, where did this all start anyway? its completely irrelevant :huh:
Do you troll every thread, or have only 4,999 of your posts been full of inflamatory remarks?
*slaps forehead* (you get the message)
Most people who know how to keep goldfish
here we go on the whole goldfish thing again :blink:
If I were to say something about not liking really bad paintings that other people might call "art", I would be revealing standards for what I consider "bad art". This will not be explained further.
woah, wrong forum dude art
'Insulting' works both ways... Imagine a similar thread about dyed fish. I'm sure everyone here agrees it is a cruel practice that has serious health repercussions for the fish. But there are people out there who think it isn't cruel, and they are beautiful, and that you're 'knocking' their fish, and would probably say something like
Most people who know how to keep dyed fish never see "the wide range of health problems" in their fish that you're trying to make out like everyone has. This is news to me, and probably news to most dyed fish keepers. Someone needs to tell them that the the majority of their fish are having "the wide range of health problems" you say they should be having.

... See where I'm coming from? Health problems is health problems, you cannot deny a large proportion of fancies suffer at least some degree of swimbladder, etc.

But whatever. As has already been mentioned, apart from making the few people who do post there (I'm sure many visit, I do, when I have nothing better to do) feel a bit better, it has no real benefits, and just gives William a hard time having to sort it out for you. It's not going to magically make hundreds of people decide its a great section and want to spend every waking hour there.
Thanks for the replies and input. steelhealr summed it up very well on the previous page. We will be monitoring the situation and always appreciate suggestions, it's probable that in the future there will be a re-jigging of the forums.
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