Cold Water Set-Up

but DOS what is the ambient temp of you house ATM? 16c? 19c? unless you can make sure the water stays cool enough then fish/crabs/nems will perish after prolonged heat exposure. take the catalina goby for example, it comes from temprate areas of the US and whilst being able to survive in tropical conditions in doing so its life cycle can be reduced by a half!
high temps may not kill over night but they can reduce your tank mates lifes by massive amounts.
agreed sorgan, all i am doing is relaying what i have read elsewhere,giving another side of the argument if you like, i've never kept coldwater, not even goldfish, except outside in a pond. all i am saying is the articles i have read were all low tech set ups without the use of chillers and seemed successful at the time they were written, i have no idea if they have continued to be so. one thing is certain tho if someone were to attempt such a set up it would mean they would have to do as many months research as i did before trying tropical marine
indeed, in fact i was loving tolaks idea of having a tank inside a glass fronted fridge.
Glass door. If it's a biotype I'd have to beer from the appropriate area.

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