Cold Marine Aquarium

Cool, well they're already multiplying so can't hurt lol, I'll just get more rocks. :)

How did u get a pic of your tank as an avatar mate. I've tried before but the image is too large.

I thought you lived by the beach mate sorry. I'm about 2 hours away from my nearest beach but I don't think has any rockpools. Plus it's right near Bristol and the water is filthy.

Barmouth is a 2 and a half hour drive away but not sure about there either. Plus it's a long way to go for a water change! Lol
Use paint, ctrl A to select all grab bottom corner of pic and scale down to 120 x 120 pixels then go pic attributes and change to 120 x 120 pixels then save the pic and upload to site and will be correct size pixel and kb wise. :good:
Use paint, ctrl A to select all grab bottom corner of pic and scale down to 120 x 120 pixels then go pic attributes and change to 120 x 120 pixels then save the pic and upload to site and will be correct size pixel and kb wise. :good:

Cheers mate!
Wow. Very nice. I presume fish-wise you're restricted to the likes of gobies and blennies with the crabs?

depends on the crab species.
things like emerald, hermits and pom pom crabs are ok with all fish that won't eat them.
Well most cold water salty fish grow huge so yeah it'll be gobies and blennies if I ever find any lol.
Lol its not all fun and games, I seriously smashed my arm when I last went, first time I went barefoot and slipped on algae which at the time felt like a bad graze and now has turned into serious damage in my shoulder joint, lol the things we do for fish, going back next week too lol. :blink:
Well no changes in appearance yet but there will be this week when I go back again, I'm not gonna stop till I find a goby or blenny. Also looking to get more of the flint rocks to build a bit of a scape in there and get them covered in Anemones. I was really shocked watching the Anemones feed the other day, I was giving my Puffers some blood worm and I threw a cube in the salty tank and the Anemones caught all of it in their beadlets, was amazing watching them close up and eat. Also, I dunno how Anemones breed but I seem to keep finding tiny little ones here and there which is nice so should get good coverage with them. Its running quite well at the moment too with the U2 filter, over the last week the water has gone from slightly milky to crystal clear and the shrimps and crabs seem happy as they've been growing and shedding. Prob because they've been getting fed more than they do in the wild. I'll put up some more pics, maybe a video when I'm back from the next trip.
Nems split (well that's one way they breed at least) so if you finding little ones it always nice :) I just hope they are not to invasive.

Good luck with the fish hunt, shame the tank isn't bigger as we have some stunning wrasse in our waters.
Glad things are going well mate! Keep us updated won't ya!

Let us know what you find on your next hunt!

How about starting a journel mate as yours is unique!
Yeah could do with getting a mod to move this to journals I think as its going on a few pages now. :) please mr mod lol.
Hopefully whatever species of seaweeds are over there are a fair bit more lighting-tolerant than the similar-looking coldwater varieites I've worked with on the other side of the pond, I would still recommend keeping a close eye on it for any signs of decay and immediate removal at the first sign of deterioration. At least from the varieties I've worked with, they often require VERY bright light to survive (and oh boy is it smell fun whtn it's on its way out!).

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