Co2 Kits?

I am only dosing carbo at the moment with the ei ferts. I am NOT dosing carbo and excel
I would use the Excel first before switching to Easycarbo, if you have some left. The only reason to get Easycarbo over Excel is because it's cheaper.
Akasha72 said:
bottle of easycarbo roughly £8 for 500ml will last ages on a 90 litre tank 
I agree, my plants grow fine using easycarbo, I get just under a years worth in my 120l from 500ml.
Arcticfox1977 said:
Why use excel first?
Because you already had it open and it does nearly exactly the same as the EasyCarbo, if not slightly better.
If EasyCarbo and Excel were the same price I'd probably be buying Excel.
I'm honestly confused why you bought the EasyCarbo when you were already using Excel.
It was mentioned that carbo was liquid co2. I couldn't see on the excel bottle it says it was co2
Excel calls itself organic carbon.  Both Excel and Easycarbo are a liquid source of carbon.  People sometimes call them 'liquid CO2' because they serve as an alternative for adding pressurized CO2 gas, but it's a misnomer as neither actually contains carbon dioxide.
Carbon is the nutrient that plants need to grow.  After all, they're carbon-based life forms, like pretty much everything on Earth.  They prefer to obtain carbon from CO2 gas and can do so very efficiently, whether they be emersed plants breathing air or submersed plants using CO2 gas dissolved in the water.
Excel & EasyCarbo contain a chemical compound called glutaraldehyde which plants can process into carbon, though not as efficiently as they can with CO2.
Plants use a different internal mechanism to process liquid carbon rather than CO2.  A plant will tend to optimise its chemical processes according to whatever sources are available and this is why a plant will usually take a couple of weeks to adapt when being put underwater after growing in an emersed (air) environment, or when liquid carbon is suddenly available.  It costs the plant energy to alter its internal processes in response to environmental changes.  This is another reason why I don't recommend swapping between Excel and EasyCarbo unnecessarily.  Your plants are currently optimised for Excel and although EasyCarbo is very similar I'd stick to what they're used to.

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