clown loach white flakes and vertical position

I don't like being involved in disease threads as there can be more confusion with different methods. @Colin_T asked for some info in an earlier post, I will not counter anything he says here. Heat is normally the safest treatment (and I concur with others about surface disturbance), but from the photo and your description you may lose the loach, so be prepared; ich is far advanced. And I also agree, do not change filter media; rinse it in a bucket of tank water but don't replace it.

Am I correct in assuming you only have the one clown loach? If yes, do not get any more when this is resolved, as this fish must have a group and it gets very large, up to 12 inches/30 cm. If the one you have has been alone (no other clown loaches) that is one very likely cause of severe stress, and that brings on disease.
Am I correct in assuming you only have the one clown loach? If yes, do not get any more when this is resolved, as this fish must have a group and it gets very large, up to 12 inches/30 cm. If the one you have has been alone (no other clown loaches) that is one very likely cause of severe stress, and that brings on disease.
i agree. If the fish survives I would rehome it.
one clown correct, always been very active. today a male guppy rolled over and slipped to the bottom. i have many fry, and a group of adults. I have a crayfish, maybe this stressed the clown, shes been here 4 months. I have a large dominant Hoplo albino loach , and a larger feather tailed squeaker. 2 tetras, 2 harlequins, 2 upside down catfish. the temperature is turned up but slow to rise in 220 litre tank with a Fluval 307 filter.
one clown correct, always been very active. today a male guppy rolled over and slipped to the bottom. i have many fry, and a group of adults. I have a crayfish, maybe this stressed the clown, shes been here 4 months. I have a large dominant Hoplo albino loach , and a larger feather tailed squeaker. 2 tetras, 2 harlequins, 2 upside down catfish. the temperature is turned up but slow to rise in 220 litre tank with a Fluval 307 filter.

There are other stocking issues here, but let's get the ich resolved first. If you do the heat method without other meds, do a major water change and use that to increase the temperature part-way. This will not harm the fish. But if you decide to use meds, follow the advice of members who recommend them.
ive begun treatment with aqua safe white spot and funghus liguid following a 40% water change

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