Close To Selling Up


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
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Im just sick of fish not getting on, fed up with worrying about who goes where, extra water changes to clear ripped fins up, heal battle scars etc.

The one fish I never thought Id want to be without is doing my head in, constantly fighting with everyone for no reason. I keep thinking how much easier life would be without all this hassle, never mind the money Id get back from selling the tanks (nothing like I paid of course, but right now I could do with some cash).

I feel like selling (giving away) the fish, whacking the tanks on ebay and turning my back on the whole hobby. I know most of us feel like this at some point (and Ive done it before and come back to it again).
chin up minx..... we all have this feeling from time to time and as you stated always keep coming back! there are times when it does feel like a chor instead of a relaxing hobby, ive just spent all day fitting new externals and changing water on 8 tanks :crazy: it does seem a mission sometimes but isnt it worth it when you reach your goal?

when having a break its always worth hanging on to some tank and equipment etc as they are very expensive to buy new again........

Matt. :good:
first shout on the trigon! LOL just kidding, which fish is giving you the trouble?

Harry, 1st he wanted to kill Vinny, who is gonna take some time to heal, now he is hell bent on killing the Oscar, who for some reason wont fight back!! The Kribs are trying to kill anyone who comes near them (they spawned).

The trigon with the Vieja's is the only peaceful place and the only one I want to look at right now.
i jacked it in last year, 8 tanks and some fish id had for years. back up to 5 tanks again now lol just dont keep cichlids
The thing is, people like to take risks and when they don't work, they get frustrated, i myself have done plenty of that in the past, and stick to biotypes now.
im feeling like this last 3 days i have found dead fish stats are fine think my betta is attacking them never did at the start and ive never seen him be aggresive moved him to see what happens
Yeah weird set ups, Oscar and Severum or shock horror Severum and Severum :rolleyes: Im not in the mood for it. Go annoy someone else up for fun.
Yeah weird set ups, Oscar and Severum or shock horror Severum and Severum :rolleyes: Im not in the mood for it. Go annoy someone else up for fun.

lol thats not the point Minxy, i mean you sell 90% of your stock once a month and start something else, usually well overstocking weird mixes of Africans with centrals with SA's with Asian Odd Balls.

As far as mixing Oscars with Severums go, you can't just get adult fish, chuck them together and expect them to get on.

You know all this anyway, its constructive criticism, because about 2 months ago (rough guess) you posted a identical thread and sold everything and got Frontosas.

Previous you was going to give up when your Ellioti's had a disaster with the fry etc.

Quit impulse buying then stropping when it all screws up.
Actually, soz im being a idiot lately, to quick tempered and insensitive, sorry, got personal issues getting the better of me.

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