Close To Selling Up

Cichlids have a mind of their own. My severum was getting me mad too she hates the new guy. I really did not think she would be like this because she always was so good. My severum is not even as big or old as yours.

I hope you find the mix that makes you happy.
cichlids are hard work hun, you either need a very large tank, or just go for a solo with dithers...but even saying that, predatory fish can be just as fun<hair pulling>

Im not having much fun at present, that bloomin oscar i got is the devil himself, and saying that, the bycron predatory carachin i have is really setting the cat amoungst the pigeons...thinking my snakehead should be aggressive,far from it shes a real softie,never done anything to any fish, crazy eh...

Basically im telling you this,because i had my tanks all perfect and ive gone and ruined the your not alone chook..chin up
Oh hun dont overfret, you know cichlids as well as anyone they are little booga's, you want to have my lot for a week or so lol then you will get fed up with water changes :lol: I had a near disaster tonight, I decided to move Seymour into the 400, but for once I didnt add him straight away I bagged him first, good job I did because the Texas and Bailey went for the bag trying to get at him and actually ripped the bag. He is safely back in the 180 now, he definately will not be joining the Texas, it also means Bailey now will not move she can stay with them (she is the gaffer anyway).

To be honest I have nearly packed in too, especially when I lost all those frontosa then suddenly lost the 2 little fronts. It is tough when things go belly up, I am waiting for the disaster with having whats in my rio 400 (shhh our secret)
Ive been at this point before, esp when I had bailey. I utterly hate it when fish dont fight back esp that geo I got at one point. Just hang in there keep your maintenance up take a back seat and see how things play out over the next month. Sometimes thinking about things makes it worse, im in the midst of a white spot outbreak and Im most worried about my severus :( but im just dosing the tank and staying at uni all day because I know there is not much I can do and the worry only makes it worse.

Im sure Harry will calm down soon enough, just remember those pictures of him hiding behind the wood :p

Hope it picks up for you again :)

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