Cichlasoma Ornatum Journal

Oooh nice severum :lol:

They are looking great Matt, was that the humbug I spotted too. Love that little EBJD.
Your Jack is going to be so cute :) They can be very timid, just Jacks in general. As beautifull as mins is he's always sulking round the back of the tank, or nestled in amongst the plants.
it really is looking like yours as a juvi mate. i have my fingers crossed it turns out like yours :drool:
Oooh nice severum :lol:

They are looking great Matt, was that the humbug I spotted too. Love that little EBJD.
the rotkeil has had to be removed today as it was attacking the ornatums :angry: she will be going to chris' house pretty soon :good:

there are 2 humbugs in there to help keep the substrate clean. my new wharf purchase :hey: almost went for pictus but im really liking my humbugs in Keiths tank and couldnt resist a few :wub:

the EBJD will hopefully stay with the ornatums as they develop. i have a 5x2x2 tank planned for them when they have outgrown this tank and all being well the stocking in this tank will be my final stocking unless the ornatums get nasty as they grow and need to be split up :unsure: .

just to add the tank stocking is -

6 x cichlasoma ornatum
1 x electric blue jack dempsey
1 x super red bristlenose
1 x humbug catfish
looking good matt. they seem more confident in the new tank. lovely colour on the ebjd too :good:
Matt ... first time I've read through this thread !

Lovely fish. Couple of questions ....

Are these wild caught, F1, F2 ??

What's the growth rate been like, whilst you've had them ?

What is your water like, in terms of pH and hardness ?
Matt ... first time I've read through this thread !

Lovely fish. Couple of questions ....

Are these wild caught, F1, F2 ??

What's the growth rate been like, whilst you've had them ?

What is your water like, in terms of pH and hardness ?
hello mate these fish are wild caught from the rio san juan in colombia. the growth rate has been quite slow but they have been in a 90L tank to get them settled and feeding well. im hoping that they will now start shooting up since the move into the 240L. i have been feeding them twice a day and doing 2 water changes a week of about 30% and feeding them on a mixture of prima, bloodworm, algae wafers, brineshrimp, sinking pellets and floating pellets and they seem to take everything offered at the minute :good:
my water is medium/hard according to the local water website although ive never tested it and has a pH of about 7.6-7.8. in the smaller tank i had the temperature set at 26 degrees C but ive upped it a bit to 27-28 in the bigger tank to see if it will help them grow. so far this temp doesnt bother them at all :good:
I thought you were going to put the female rotti in with your male?
I thought you were going to put the female rotti in with your male?
yeah that was the plan star but she is way too small to cope in the big tank and im trying to keep tanks at a minimum at the minute. i was going to grow her up with the ornatums and then try her but she started to get a bit too aggressive and fin nipping etc so i removed her as the ornatums have priority.....
chris is going to add her with his male to see if they get on :hey:
If anything like their parents, heaven help him being overrun with babies :lol:
its ok star i have an empty 4ft 3ft 2.5ft 2ft and 2 gal soo i should be ok :D
Looking good buddy, cannot wait to see them full size, hope everything else is going well? got my tickets to colombia, april it is,,hehe yaaaaay
thanks Nelly. they do appear to look a bit bigger since moving them into the bigger tank and they are becoming a bit less skittish in time. i just hope they all get on and i dont have to sell any on......

everything else is great mate thanks for asking. i bet you cant wait until april now especially now you have the tickets in your hands :hyper:
im tempted to add a small group of dithers to try and get the ornatums over the skittishness (is that a word...?) can anyone suggest anything that will be suitable?
does any one have ideas for suitable dithers to try and bring these fish out in the open a bit more? :unsure:
Put in a fairly large group of tetras or siamensis or other schooling fish that is always hungry. And since the fish is a bit scared now there are probably hormons in the water so I would suggest a large waterchange just before adding the tetras. If you have other large fish in the tank you could try with 5-10 Silver dollars or likewise.

I currently hav ethe same problem with a few other CA fishes and I tried to add 15 poecilias (swordtail in english maybe?) It went well until they all were eaten :crazy: (too small)

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