was surprised to hear they keep them in tap water. (when i got home it was at around 7.2) they also feed them bloodworms which i thought was a nono. they also feed them cichlids pellets/flakes.
You can keep them in tap water as long as it has a decently high PH. Very few LFS will adjust the water params for individual tanks as they are generally run on a store wide filtration system. While mbuna can survive in a lower PH, they'll thrive in your tank.
And yes, blood worms are a major no-no with mbuna, though a lot of LFS don't know enough about the fish they keep to realize that.
Looking forward to pic of the c.afra's, they're great fish.
got some pics last night just need to upload them (theyt are really hard to capture!)
when you say about most lfs dont know enoguh about fish they keep i agree most dont however this lfs is in the top 3 lfs in England (think it came 1st or 2nd) according to pfk magazine.
will get pics up asap.