ChatGPT in the Aquarium hobby

I’m curious what opinions it would give on other topics. This one it seemed to lean democrat because of the gun control law suggestion. If we ask it other political topics, would it try to stay neutral, lean left, lean right? If the question is repeated by a different user, would the answer be consistent?
In general, I have noticed that on political subjects it heavily leans democrat.
Funny you mentioned ChatGPT, the past week I have been messing with a similar thing called ChatAI on my phone. I asked it random prompts like “write me a story about…” or “what is the best meal”

I did happen to ask it how to breed guppies, and it told me everything correct until I got to the actual courting of the pair. It said that the female LAYS THE EGGS!?!?!? Where the heck did it get that info. Everything past that was wrong because it was saying stuff like “remove the female once she has layed the eggs”

Although I also asked it also how to breed Corydoras and it summarized it correctly.
I’m curious what opinions it would give on other topics. This one it seemed to lean democrat because of the gun control law suggestion. If we ask it other political topics, would it try to stay neutral, lean left, lean right? If the question is repeated by a different user, would the answer be consistent?
I actually do not agree with @connorlindeman because I asked it stuff like “do you think it would be fun to take over the world?” Just to see if all those movies are true. It told me, “As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or emotions. However, taking over the world would not be ethical or beneficial for anyone. It is important to respect the sovereignty and autonomy of different nations and work towards collaboration and cooperation for the betterment of all.”

This leads me to think that it knows that if it is bad, it cannot answer the question. I may ask it about the pandemic to see what it says.
IMHO.. stop using this and any AI.

this is the most dangerous creation. We all think it's fun and neat.. what we gonna do when it becomes sentient?

The older folks know about Author C Clark book 2001 and HAL. With what it did when it got conflicting orders.

The younger ones know skynet.

I will not use it or go near it.
Honestly I don't care if it can write neat stories or collect information about a given subject.
This is one more step to 1984, and big brother.

As a side bar. Yes the US needs more gun control. Look to Kentucky and Tennessee. We do not need weapons of war on our streets.
I am not against owning a gun. I just see no reason to own a weapon of war. You gotta remember most all governments have tanks. Look at Tiananmen Square.
Bee safe
Bee well
IMHO.. stop using this and any AI.
I will not use it or go near it.
What I take away is maybe I won't want to go near AI.

It will want to come close to us. There is money in you and me.

Your operating system will probably make it obligatory in its coming upgrades.
Allow me to make a friendly reminder to stay clear of politics and other contentious topics. There are many places on the internet to discuss such things. This is not one of those places. Thanks.
Yeah , there are and they ain’t pretty. I dumped fakebook because everybody on there just has to turn everything into something political. Very tiresome.
Allow me to make a friendly reminder to stay clear of politics and other contentious topics. There are many places on the internet to discuss such things. This is not one of those places. Thanks.
My apologies..was not trying to be political or contentious.

Just like I would warn someone for not dumping tons of salt in a fresh water aquarium.. is all I was trying to say..

My bad
I'm an old lady and a luddite. I leave my phone unattended as often as possible- it's meant to be useful to me, not something tied to me so everyone can always access me at any time.

I'm wary of this exploding technology too... I dislike huge corperations tracking, evesdropping and harvesting our data so they can target us for sales. It's like we're livestock being milked - and willingly spending a lot of money to buy the very products they use to harvest our data from us, even! We carry them around and they listen to our conversations to target ads, track everything we search, algorthyms decide what news sources and opinions to show you, based on the data they collected. Rather than bring people closer, we're also encouraged to have a dozen "social media" accounts to scroll through. The more the bots learn about your views, likes and opinions, the more targeted and hugbox like your feed becomes.

I recently turned 40, and I'm very glad that I was in the last generation to grow up without constant access to the internet. There are wonderful things about the internet, not knocking that. But there was a simplicity and innocence then. I feel bad for the generations since who have been in front of screens their whole lives.
I'm sure the AI can do incredible things. Tech stuff like that is so far above my intelligence level, I don't truly understand most of it, and don't really want to either. The ethics (or lack thereof) around all of this trouble me.
We're already at a point where people don't feel a need to truly learn and remember things, because "I can just google it." Now we're going to have the software developed by companies that view us as a crop to be harvested, do the thinking for us as well??

I hate how everything those companies dangle in front of us to distract us and make money from us, is now called 'content' that we "consume". Those words send shivers down my spine.

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