AI v.s. Human

I like to ask Gemini to, lets say "Give me a streampunk version of three little pigs"

And after juggling a little with it and giving information etc reminding "it" on it's errors, asking it to keep a proper development. Basically explaining everything until satisfaction.

Then I ask to remodel the story created with a "William Shakespeare" style.

The literal prowess of accomplishing all that crap in seconds.

And resulting story is a version you never seen before.

I do something like this. I use AI as a creative writing outlet. I tell AI what to write and enter ideas and then revisions. It's probably terrible and I'll never share it with anyone. But it entertains me.
Yes, It's a great Draft --> Manuscript --> Publishing Editor.

If well guided it will produce elaborate articles that reflect exactly what you are meaning and in a pretty awesome manner.

Will make you consider crucial points and bring your attention on certain details.

Once you set your mind on "You're explaining it to the worst dummy in existence"

LLM in all it's magnificence, has no idea whatsoever of what you are talking about and it shines in the way that it's unable to keep focus on the essence of a conversation and trows completely out of context responses.

But if you have the patience to keep it on track, like a baby at all steps. It produces outstanding stuff.

I mean I wouldn't go trough typing all that. But I like to see the way you can make it elaborate and still control how it goes.

And tackling it's imaginative capacity always gives interesting childish responses.

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