characin that grows to 4"


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2005
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United States
I'm looking for a medium-sized characin that drows to about 4-5" to keep in one of my large tanks. I plan on having a school of about 8 individuals. Anyone know of a fish that grows to this size and is hardy? Thanks in advance.
What are the tankmates? Some bigger characins can be mean. Heck, some smaller Characins can be mean.
Silver dollars might be an option, as well as Congos.
Thanks guys. The tankmates are peaceful to mildly aggressive cichlids that grow to about 5" (Keyholes, etc.) I'll check out all the suggestions you guys gave, but please give me more if you know of any! Thanks for the responses.
Ok, clown barbs are cyprinids, so they are out. Silver dollars are too big, yet congo tetras are too small. Is there anything in between those sizes? Please help me out!
I just wanted to add that Keyholes are a very mild cichlid(I own 6, 4 have formed breeding pairs) so i wouldn't worry about aggression towards other fish, so you could probably get away with keeping regular sized tetras(just not neon size). Heck my keyholes are so docile that they are kept with a female betta and swordtails and there's never a problem. They mostly just bicker amongst themselves. Well mine bicker more often since they've formed pairs. :S
But a more bigger tetra is the bleeding heart tetra(get to 3" sometimes more) if you wanted another option.
Again not characins, but there are several rainbowfish species in the 4-5 inch range. :dunno:

For characins, I think congos would do just fine. They're pretty sturdy. Plus with the smaller size you might be able to have 10 for better effect.
Check the Wolf's "tetra sized list" further down toward the bottom of the page with a yellow arrow. He has listed tetras according to size. From there you can google pictrures and discriptions of temperments and suggested tank mates until the forum puts together a better photo gallery.
mildly aggressive cichlids that grow to about 5" (Keyholes, etc.) I'll check out all the suggestions you guys gave, but please give me more if you know of any! Thanks for the responses.
Forget the Congo's (they do reach the size you're looking for though, eventually). I've tried them with cichlids and they're just too timid and get very nervous. Keyholes would work, but etc. probably wouldn't. Rainbow fish sound like a very nice suggestion.
I keep my keyholes with 3 serpae and 3 head and tail light tetras (They've begun dying off from old age) and they do fine. I also have a few feeder guppies living in that tank (Leftovers from when I had a leaf fish) , and the keyholes havent touched them :blink:

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