Channa-ornatipinnis Sales Topic<ready For Sale

got my pair in a rio 125<125litre.......I would suggest just the one unless your willing to sell on if they start fighting or rehome them......I had three, gave one to my friend after i noticed the now pair attacking the third, I have not been bitten, cannot see teeth but other snakeheads have lovely teeth, but after my jag every thing to me is soft :good:
Providing I can re-home Tex, put me down for 5 (with postage £60?) and let me know nearer the time how you want paying matey :D
Either way mate, not picky, gis a holla when they are ready to go, if I cant find someone here for Tex, will find an LFS willing to take him :(
Done what to me little nelly? :lol:

I see my name is added now. How long before they are ready to go? Roughly? So I can save some pennies for ya :rolleyes: Need to go buy a load of fake plants too, just sold all mine a few weeks back, typical.
:lol: typical eh......They should be ready around middle'ish of next month give or take, i may be posting 10 to someone next week who want's them bad and breeds snakeheads of all variety's so let's see how that goe's and we will go from there :hey:
Nelly, do these guys eat live plants? Would like to use live instead of fake if I can get away with it.
OK Guy's ive sold now around 20 of these guy's and they have all arrived safe and still going stong after being delivered in the post :good:

if you want some beauty's pm me as quickly as possible as there dissapearing quick, got another 10 to send on wednesday,to arrive thurs am delivery,if you also want round this time be quick
What are the tank requirements? i have a l48*w12*h15 with some fish in atm , ive ordered a juvi senegal bichir would they be ok with the bichir? i'd consider selling the other fish if the answers yes:)

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