Channa-ornatipinnis Sales Topic<ready For Sale

i am after some of these, think you a bit far away for me though!! looks like another trip to bas!!
and for anyone else who lives a bit further north then bas has them for £38 and there about 4 - 5 inch!!
Are they suitable for community tanks? They are interesting little guys!
I belive them to be too aggressive for a normal community, but havent read that much about them myself.

Nelly, maybe you could give some pointers and recommendation for the care, type of set up, tankmates (if any) that you recommend to give interested parties some idea of whether they are suitable for them? :)
As said there only for a species tank, Best set up is planted and lots of rocks/bogwood/slate/filteration and a good current,

No need for a heater as these guy's are sub-tropical best kept around 18c.......when the temp rises to around 21c they seem

to breed......Well mine did and its the first breeding in captivity......They do not like lots of waterchanges...I got mine in

december of last year and as of yet not changed a drop.......ammonia and nitrates are 0
yes i know thats what i think, but people do this alot and always seem to work.....thats how you get different lines of betta and guppies etc

Anyone care to add on that last comment? iam also intrested

Hi Nelly. I asked about all of this a while back. People always seem to buy a group of fish at once in a shop and then are chuffed when they breed. I have done this myself and only "sourced different genes" for my cichlids.

Inbreeding is certainly a way to "bring out" a trait. Breeding brothers and sisters for this is not favourable, but as long as the blood line is then mixed afterwards it can bring good luck. i.e. brother and sister of brood with abnormal finnage (pretty maybe, but still abnormal) can be bred together resulting in a large number of abnormally finned babies. It would then be ideal to either breed the resulting fish with either a normal fish from another stock (different blood line) or an abnormal fish from another stock. The resulting babies from a normal partner would be a certain percentage showing the abnormal finnage and an abnormal partner form another stock would yield a larger number of abnormal babies.

More inbreeding eventually results in trouble. Traits like joint problems, colours and deformities start to show more. (Just look at thoroughbreed dogs and their bad hips, eyes skin...the list is endless)

INbreeding can create healthy different animals, but it has to be done carefully and slowly. anyone that has kept guppies and allowed them to simply "go for it" will have seen ill and deformed or colourless and drab baies eventually coming out.

I think this is why it is so hard to find high quality mollies and guppies in my area.
i would love to own thease fish but dont know alot about em they look far to big for my 110 lirte and probs not compatible with my syno multis
5X SOLD------------BOLTY<<delivery
5X SOLD------------Another sorce<delivery<COLIN SNAKEHEAD MOD>>
5X SOLD------------Another sorce<plymouth delivery
1X SOLD------------Local pick up
12X SOLD................NEERVANA
3X SOLD...............PATRON88 <PICK UP
6X..................................GIGAS12>>>>>ITALY=========== 50
Why is it Im being strangely drawn to them and soon to have an empty rio 180!!!

Hmmmm, tempting nelly, very tempting, might be time to try something new, whaddya think?

You'd need to talk me thru care for them, wouldnt want to get it wrong, Ive been reading up on them today, good strong current, no need for heater as they are sub trop, I know what you feed yours, so thats ok, how many in a 180 and how aggressive are they to each other?
Do not under estimate these guy's are aggressive but given a specie's tank they shine....
There is three way's you could do this, Buy a group of say 5.....Leave them in a tank together, providing lots of rocks/slate/bogwood and tonne's of plants for cover, floating plant's are ideal aswell.....
Then wait to see if you can get a pair out of them, Then sell on the rest......Or buy two and hope they take up there terrortory's...Watch them and if aggrestion occours devide tank or sell one on.....Failing that if you do not want the hassle just buy one.....

providing lots of rocks/slate/bogwood and tonne's of plants for cover, floating plant's are ideal aswell.....This i would reccomend whatever way you choose to go :good:

I would reccomend to people that one would be your best bet if your wanting to keep channa and enjoy, not trying to breed.....

Waterchange's you should keep right down to a minimum.....Test water regular and hopefully all will be good....If preforming a waterchange only change 10% at any one time...

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