Chaeto. What Is It?

She is doing better! :good: I bought a cleaner shrimp and she is parked letting him clean her, and I must say she seems to be healing better under his ministrations than alone. She is eating well and my vet gave me a liquid supplement to mix with her flake so I hope it will help. He says 29g is fine since she is recovering as long as I keep the water clean. He also said his buddy the marine biologist said no skimming while she is healing. He couldn't really explain why to where I could understand, but I turned my skimmer off. :huh:

He is such an awesome vet and I love him for all fish, he has helped with some especially diffcult koi infections I've had due to the severe drought we have had here in texas. I'll keep this updated. He said also that in the case of severe wounds, you almost HAVE to have a cleaner shrimp to have good healing.
I have the ac70 already running on the tank and there is no way I can convince the hubs to buy another filter. hence why I was tossing the 2.5 gallon idea around. But I think I am just going to stick with the plain mod idea.

I'm wondering how taking it off the tank to mod will affect my water parameters. It has been running since the beginning.

One great fact is: When you have had a tank established for a little while the bacteria have the capacity to double itself with in 24 hours. So if it needs to, it will just produce more and quickly :)

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