Catfish Study Group Convention

Hi All,

This is the last call for the Catfish Study Group's convention, which takes place this weekend. You can just turn up on either day and pay at the door, your entry fee will also entitle you to free tea / coffee all day.

To see the full programme click on the banner link at the head of this topic.

That's me done now, no more pestering, well not until next years event has been set up.

Thanks to all for your patients.

Chairman CSG
Hi Coryman,

It's always good to see you again. Thanks for the reminder about the upcoming convention. I'm sure a good time will be had by all and wish I could attend too.

I hope some of our members will attend and fill us in on the goings on! :D
Hi Coryman,

It's always good to see you again. Thanks for the reminder about the upcoming convention. I'm sure a good time will be had by all and wish I could attend too.

I hope some of our members will attend and fill us in on the goings on! :D

I really want to go to. Hopefully next time its in this area, I will be able to go. I know it would be fun and I would learn a lot listening to all the great speakers :good:
I'll be driving soon so will be able to make it next year :good:

Is there also a fish auction on the day?

Hope anyone going has a good day/weekend out and can post back to us how it was :nod:
The CSG convention 2007 was was last weekend and was all over far too quickly.

I would like to thank all those that came along over the two days to support us and look forward to even more of you coming next year and also I would like to thank TFF for allowing me to promote the event here on the forums.

For all the UK members here that are interested in catfishes, the CSG hold a regular monthly meeting on the third Sunday of every month in Darwen, Lancashire. The March meeting is our Spring Auction and certainly a good place to be to get some real bargains.

Once again thank you for your support.

(Chairman CSG)

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