Cat vibrating meow...


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2005
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Austin, Tx
Well my little Keiko and Loki have been looking out the window at birds for the past few days, but when they meow they vibrate their voice, so it sounds like they are extremely shivering. They only do that when there are birds outside the window. Otherwise they meow quite normally. Are they trying to mimmick the song of the birds? Is this a hidden nature thingy or are my kittens crackpots?
My cat does that too when he see another cat or a bird.....

Maybe they are seeing something you don't.

(cats are awesome indicators of ghosts, lol :look: )
Ok maybe I am just CraZY
Cats do that when they get extremely excited. My cat bird-watches too and he's always doing that when he sees a bird. He'll hide behind the curtain and attempt to pounce but, of course, he doesn't always remember that a window is blocking him. :lol: :wub:
No worries, both the cat I had growing up and the cat I have now do this. I don't know for sure why they do it, but considering the sound, I would have to say they are trying to "call" the birds, act as decoys so to speak, to get them closer. Never has worked for either cat, but its too cute when they do their "chirping".
Just an excited kitty sound. You may also see them chattering their teeth or standing alert with their jaws parted slightly and teeth showing. Very normal for a cat wishing he could get at those birds (btw, thanks for keeping them in and NOT letting them kill the birds; too many people let their cats roam and it is really causing a problem for wildlife, not to mention leading to cat overpopulation).
RandomWiktor said:
Just an excited kitty sound. You may also see them chattering their teeth or standing alert with their jaws parted slightly and teeth showing. Very normal for a cat wishing he could get at those birds (btw, thanks for keeping them in and NOT letting them kill the birds; too many people let their cats roam and it is really causing a problem for wildlife, not to mention leading to cat overpopulation).
I completely agree :nod:
I had always planned on keeping them indoors, mainly because I live off a main street and in a third story apartment. Indoors is the only way I would ever have them because it's a rough world out there for kittens!

Some of you might find it interesting, though, that when I adopted the kittens, they included a little kitty care package that had a sample of food, some coupons, and a pamplet. In the pamplet was a page dedicated by the Birdwatchers Assosciation asking all cat owners to please keep cats indoors. To me, this was just another good reason to keep em indoors.

Went out, got them some grow your own kitty grass, and they're happy.

And the noise they make is really cute. And this way they can watch the birds without posing an actual threat! Yay.
SuckerLove86 said:
I had always planned on keeping them indoors, mainly because I live off a main street and in a third story apartment. Indoors is the only way I would ever have them because it's a rough world out there for kittens!

Some of you might find it interesting, though, that when I adopted the kittens, they included a little kitty care package that had a sample of food, some coupons, and a pamplet. In the pamplet was a page dedicated by the Birdwatchers Assosciation asking all cat owners to please keep cats indoors. To me, this was just another good reason to keep em indoors.

Went out, got them some grow your own kitty grass, and they're happy.

And the noise they make is really cute. And this way they can watch the birds without posing an actual threat! Yay.
Our shelter includes those birdwatcher sheets in their adoption packets as well :thumbs:

I have tried so hard to keep our cats in the house :/ Two of them do great with it, my third...there is no way. He throws himself into windows until he gets through the screens, when you open to front door he flies out and if you try to grab him he won't come near you for the rest of the day :X

I bought him all kinds of toys and climbing stands. It backfired and all I did was train him in the house to be a better hunter outside :grr:

Sorry for the off topic :*) just wanted to say congrats to all of you who keep your kitties inside :clap:
mm_simb said:
RandomWiktor said:
Just an excited kitty sound. You may also see them chattering their teeth or standing alert with their jaws parted slightly and teeth showing. Very normal for a cat wishing he could get at those birds (btw, thanks for keeping them in and NOT letting them kill the birds; too many people let their cats roam and it is really causing a problem for wildlife, not to mention leading to cat overpopulation).
I completely agree :nod:
Totally Agree,

Gingy still does that, I feed the House Sparrows in the Front garden every day with millet seed and Ginger will sit in the Window Chattering away at them.
Our cats are let outside whenever they like, but they're not exactly fast enough to catch birds :lol: Although funnily enough, the oldest cat (Jasper) is best at catching things- I think he found a nest of baby mice once, and being young and dopey, he managed to catch some.... He also brings frogs in- its not nice cleaning the conservatory to find dried up frogs under every sofa...
My cats also do the chirping funny. They do bring things in, but only very occasionally and alwasy unhurt. Ever tried to catch a VERY p*ssed off sparrow that's flying round your bedroom? Suki (avatar) also has a frog fetish. One spring the frogs were very lively, and I ended up with little dishes of water all over my lounge floor because there were 3 frogs living under my sofa that I couldn't catch..... I also got woken up once with Missy standing on my head making a really weird yowling sound. She had a twig in her mouth, and curled around the other end of the twig was a very bemused baby mouse. Since it was winter I put it in a biscuit tin and kept it as a pet till spring.........

And they only ever seem to do this at 3am. Or is that just my cats?
Cat's use this sound as a warning sign to warn other cats or animals to keep away from their pray, must be an instint going way back to when cats were wild and they had to fend for themselves.

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