Carnivorous plant "N. ventrata"

It's been 4 weeks since I took my ventrata cuttings. I pulled one out of the soil to look at it today. It had tiny roots coming from the slits I make in the stem. The nodes are also starting to swell. I would think in another 2 months they might be ready to trade.

My large ventrata has 2 nodes starting to swell just below where I cut the vine.

My wife and I are going to the Washington Zoo tomorrow. I found out there is a guy near the zoo how sells CP's, has his own nursery. I talked to him on the phone and I'm stopping there to do some trading with him. He has lots of different forms of VFT's listed. I'll post some pictures if I end up with any neat looking ones. One I'm definiatly going to try to get is a Czech Giant.
Well I ended up getting 4 VFTs. I got a Czech Giant, Dutch, Fang, and a typical with the biggest traps I've ever seen. Wish I had a super see through ruler. :lol:
Here's a picture:


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Well, at least I have the best ruler. :)

Does the guy have a storefront sort of nursery you can visit or is it a private deal? DC is much closer to me than it is to you... maybe I should be stopping by there too.
It's been a while endparenthesis.

How are things going with you and your plants?
Have the sundews started to get any size to them?
How's your neps doing?

I'm happy to say that the under my care, I have my 1st pitcher inflating on my hamata. :D
Hey gecko... good that the hamata is recovering.

Something a little weird is going on with some of my VFTs. The leaves are dying off quicker than they should be... and it seems to start on the leaf rather than the trap. Since it's happening to most of them, I thought my lighting might have been too intense (which I wouldn't think would be possible with fluorescents). They weren't getting too hot or too dry. Hopefully I don't have a disease on my hands. Itching for early dormancy maybe? The green dragons got the worst of it... half of them aren't even making traps anymore, just funny curled leaves.

Still no sign of new growth on your 'big mouth' cuttings. The completely submerged ones are rotting, though there was a tiny hint of new growth on the end of one of them.

Some of the sundews have grown and some haven't. No capensis sprouts yet that are any bigger than the specks of perlite. One sundew is over 2" across, with four others close behind.

The truncata has a new leaf that's 2 or 3 times the size of the previous leaves. That's going to be a nice pitcher. :) This thing doesn't grow slowly at all.

The ventrata has probably doubled in height since you last saw it, and I have a rooted and growing cutting of it.

That's about it. Thinking if I get another one I'd like a miranda, but I'm out of room right now.
I do not think it's possible to give VFT's too much light. Natural or artifical.
You have not let your soil dry to much have you? I grow my VFT's outside in full sun. I water them every other day.
Do you have a magnifying glass? I'd check to see if no pests are sucking the sap out of the leaves.
I have not had that happen to my VFT's, and do not recall reading any posts about that before, so I clueless.
Maybe you should move them outside in a shaded location now that the night temps are getting brisk and start to let it go into dormancy. If you leave them outside till the temps are just above freezing, it would take care of any pests that might be there.

Maybe you'll get one VFT - Big Mouth out of your cutting. I did just receive a Big Mouth this week from a trade. I have not looked in a while, but I did not notice anything on the Red Dragon cutting.

So the Drosera spatulata are around 2". That's about full size for them.
I guess capensis grow very slow. Yours are tiny and the capensis 'red' that I planted are also very small for the lenght of time they have been growing.

Good to hear the N. truncata growing good for you. The cuttings I took of my N. ventrata have all rooted. The nodes are starting to swell now.

Thinking of another nep! Very addicting aren't they? Grow your VFT's outside, then you'll have room for another. ;)
I think we need some more pictures.
Here's the hamata picture as it's starting to inflate. I'll post pictures evry week or so to see the progress. I'm really interested in see how the teeth form on this plant, since this is the first pitcher to form under my care.


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Sounds like a good experiment.

I actually lost track of which of my sundews were capensis and which were spatulata. I had them all in the same place... just got the trays mixed up.

Looking at them now that they're more mature, it looks like it's the capensis that grew and the spatulata that didn't.

So 2" across is full size for a spatulata? That makes sense from the pictures, but still pretty amazing. I didn't realize they were quite that small.
Most of the rosette sundews are only 1" - 2" in diameter. There are a few that can get 4" across. Ones that come to mind being D. slackii and D. rotundifolia.

Here's a picture of some of my D. spatulata


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The D. capensis are larger plants which there leaves are held up in the air on long thin petioles.
Here's a picture of some when they were small.


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Here's the next updated picture of the hamata pitcher.
I noticed that another pitcher is starting to inflate also. :D


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The lid was opening this morning, so I snapped a picture of it.
All the teeth are formed but they are rolled inside the pitcher.


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I'm not sure endparenthesis visits here anymore, I'll have to catch him in the CP forum, but in case anyone else cares to see. Here is the latest shots of my Nepenthes hamata plant and pitcher which is 2 to 3 days old.



If you are around here endparenthesis how's your plants doing?
awesome hamata, thanks to you two i am into cps and the ventrata cutting i have is starting to open up a group of new leaves and my seedlings are looking the same(neps) but my sundew seedlings are getting pretty big.

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