Carbon Filter / Medication

Many of our fish containing waterways, ponds and lakes (GB) especially around the midlands and east Anglia have been recorded to have nitrates of 40-60 and sometimes higher in summer periods,
As TwoTankAmin states APi and many home testing kits are just a rough guide to water stats. For internal parasite treatment Waterlife Octozin and if you have no snail or shrimp Waterlife Sterazin are probably the best available! :)
KirkyArcher said:
Many of our fish containing waterways, ponds and lakes (GB) especially around the midlands and east Anglia have been recorded to have nitrates of 40-60 and sometimes higher in summer periods,
As TwoTankAmin states APi and many home testing kits are just a rough guide to water stats. For internal parasite treatment Waterlife Octozin and if you have no snail or shrimp Waterlife Sterazin are probably the best available! :)
i am from the uk. When i go to aquarium shops they say my nitrates aint that bad aslong as i do regular water changes. Ie. Once a week. Which i do. And they say i should do weekly in my 30litre as it is a small tank. And it can change very quickly. They advised me to go bigger.
I did have a yakamato shrimp but had to get rid of it as it kept eatting my fish when they were sick. I need an algae eatter also, any suggestions? One that will play nice with my guppies and platties.
Ive been advised to add white moutain clouds or danios to my new tank, once i feel its cycled. Leave them for a couple of weeks and if they are ok in the tank then add my other fish. Is this correct
White clouds and danios are both pretty awesome fish!! I highly recommend them! They were the first two species i ever kept and i fell in love with them immediately. I love the white clouds tight schooling and the danios because theyre so.... HYPER!!!

As for algae eaters.. How big is your tank again?? Pygmy corydoras perhaps??
Corydoras aren't algae eaters.
There is no need to add any (tester fish) once your tank is fully cycled! White mountain clouds don't like "tropical" temperatures and Danios are very active darting fish needing quite a bit of room, if your going to pursue this route, fish like cherry barb would be a good choice as an introductory fish they are relatively hardy. :)  You don't need an algae eater, as most won't keep algae levels down, Nerite snails are quite effective though you will get plagued with their "sesame seed" eggs all over your tank! Nothing beats good maintenance, correct lighting, glass cleaning and water changes when it comes to algae control.
Oh yeah lol. I thought i read bottom feeders... Whoops, my mistake again.. I agree with kirky, snails are very efficient algae eaters, well, most of them are anyways..
And they aren't necessarily tester fish.... I had them after the tank was cycled, not for testing purposes.... :)
My 110l tank has cycled and i got 3 danios. They are brilliant. The way they swim in circles and play. I also got 3 plants that have white plugs on the bottom. The guy at the petshop said to just bury theplug in the gravel, i hope thats correct.

Will these danios b ok with my platties and guppies when i eventually ad them to my new tank?
Im going to add my platties and guppies after a week or two gradually.

What temperature is good for danios. My tank is 26°c and thats just room temperature.

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