Can't Think Of A New To Me 5 Foot :)

Little bit of an update. I have started the first coat of white, decided on satinwood, as it hopefully will match the woodwork of the rest of my gaff.




Also thought I would include a pic of the tank outside for the leak testing etc...

The water has turned a little green, but nothing that cant be fixed when cleaning it out! While its out there, thought I would shove in my bits of wood to start it soaking :) They look really small in the bigger tank! Need to buy more...



You can also quite nicely see the glass patch reinforcing the base :)

Havent started paintint the bulk of the stand as yet, as I still have to get the wood to reinforce it, so its all undercoated and waiting for me to get paid again :(

Any tips on where I can get cheap wood (please no smutty remarks Minnnt!! :shifty: :blink: )
:lol: Good covered your bases with Minnnt around.

That stand is going to be purdyyyyy!!!
Another question...

looking at the pic below, I think I am going to remove the shelf on the right hand side. Im reinforcing the stand anyway, and I dont think it adds that much to the original structural strenth of the stand? Thoughts?


Because, I am thinking that I will put two of the doors back on, and add a square of mdf to the left hand side as you see it in the pic, making in affect another cupboard. So I can hide the externals (when I eventually get my second) then I will have a nice gap in the fit a nice cube tank! Sneaky! :)

So when I add the wooden reinforcemnt, I can add it to the spaces in the cupboards, so its hidden. I thought basically adding upright struts in all the corners of the 'cupboards' probably 1.5 x 1.5 or 2 x 2, secured in a kind of wooden frame?

Ill draw a pic...
Dunno if its just me but the stand looks much bigger than the tank! Are you sure you measured it?! Lol im only kidding must be the way you've taken the pics, that stand is impressive mate, also I dont believe that shelf will add any strength support, seeing as most are removable in pre packaged stands
Dunno if its just me but the stand looks much bigger than the tank! Are you sure you measured it?! Lol im only kidding must be the way you've taken the pics, that stand is impressive mate, also I dont believe that shelf will add any strength support, seeing as most are removable in pre packaged stands

Ha, nah its most certainly the way I took the pics. The tank looks small in the pics, but its narrow, its 5 ft long, and 2ft tall :)
Quick pick...sorry for the childishness of the quality!


The white lengths are the original MDF (with the additional bit to make the new cupboard). I plan to strengthen using the brown wooden supports. This is the view looking at the back of the stand.

So at the back there are 6 support struts, with a lenth of wood on top of them, placed under the original top, to add support.

Under the stands original base, I will add a length of wood to ensure that all of the load bearing base is in contact with the floor, kind of an inner frame inside the original base? With supportive cross struts. then I think ill close it all up with a thin sheet of MDF underneath so the base is as flat as possible.

The front will be like the image too, but without the extra supports in the middle bit, so the inside of the new 'space' is clean and uncluttered.

Finally, the back will also have a panel over it, to add a bit more structural support, and to tidy it all up (leaving gaps for cables/pipes etc.

Hope that makes sense!
I just thought of a title for your journal
"Big tank"
Says it all.

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