I know where you live
I have a pair of Albino kribensis. The female is around 3 inches, the male around 5 inches. I have had them for months now, and they wont breed. The female dosent ever seem to be full of eggs. She will shake and show off to the male, and the male dosent really seem interested. Theyare in my 20g with 1 mollie, 2 swords, 2 guppies, and 1 golly. The decorations are, 1 flower pot, 1 pvc pipe, 1 amazon swordplant, 5 grassy plants, 2 java mosses, and i big rock.. The gravel is small, so they can build a nest, but i have no results. I acnt figure it out. This isnt the first pair in the last 8 months that i have had problems with. They flirt, but nothing happens. I have done 50% water changes, feed them high quality foods to encourage them and nothing has worked. Anyone have any idea's of whats wrong, or what i can do to fix this problem?