Cannibal Goldfish

Sep 14, 2004
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I have a 5 gallon tank that has two small goldfish in it, it is only a temporary home once they grow too big for the tank I intend to put them in a pond.

I have had the fish for about 3 months, when we bought them one was slightly bigger than the other, they have grown but one has grown a lot more than the other so is almost twice the size of the smaller one.
My problem is that the smaller ones tail appears to have been chewed off by the bigger, I don't think it was fin rot as I noticed some damage to the tail and put fin rot treatment in but the tail disappeared almost over night.
I have separated them by putting one in a small bowl, totally unsuitable but only temporary. The smaller one seems to have perked up straight away.

My questions are, will the smaller ones tail grow back and how can I get them into one tank again without the large one repeating his offence?

Many thanks
its a common problem rball ,id say your tank is too small now and the fish should be moved to a larger one asap add a few plants etc give the smaller fish some space to escape the attention ,if the damage is not too bad the fish will recover :nod:
Unfortunate they will have to stay in that tank until they can go in a pond. They are only about 5cm and 3cm long and seem to have loads of room at present, I have tested the water and ammonia levels are 0 so the filter seems to be coping.
I am annoyed with the fish shop because if they had tried to persuade me to buy something like guppys I would have been quite happy, the fish are for the children really. Eventually I'd like to set up a larger aquarium for myself but that will have to wait.
I thought the guideline was one inch of cold fish per gallon of water which would allow me 5 inches of fish, the tank is actaully 5.7 gallons but I guess the .7 is taken up by the gravel and driftwood I have in there, there's also some two fake plants in there. I'd guess added together they would give me 3 and half inches.
Do think it would be best to keep them separate until the small ones tail has fully regrown or shall I put them back in together straight away? The tank I have put the large bully in has no filter so I'm having to change the water twice a week.
Maybe 3 and 5cm is understating their size, but they are small.
Unfortunately getting rid of them is not an option as they're the childrens. Maybe try and get in a pond next summer, but until then they are here to stay
for gf its best to give them as much space as you can. generally its at least 15 gallons. the inch per gallon rule doesnt work for many species of fish, especially the gf as they make a lot of mess. you will need to do lots of water changes to keep the water clean, probably every three days of about 40%.
gf are territorial and the bigger one will keep harrassing the smaller one and may even kill it. the only solution to this im afraid is a bigger tank.
the 1 inch per gallon rule only works with in reason.

like in a 10 gallon you could have 10 inches of fish but you can't have 1 10inch fish or 2 5inches. they ahve to be small ones that can live a happy live in that size tank.
Thanks for all your help
I have been lent/given another 5 gallon tank and so the goldfish are now seperated in a more permanent way.
When spring comes I'm going to see if my next door neighbour will put them in their pond. Then I can get some 'easier' cold water fish, hopefully I can have more than two guppies in a 5.5 gallon cold water tank as that way the children will not be able to identify a fish as their own and any casualties , hopefully none, can be replaced without upset children being involved.

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