Canister Filters


Feb 13, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska USA
I currently have a 20 gallon planted tank and want to cut down on wires and stuff hanging off of the tank as I do not use a background. I have been looking at a lot of different canister filters and wonder which ones you guys have had good luck with.

Thanks in advance.

I like my ehiem (I think thats how its spelled?) nice and quiet.
I'm wondering much the same for my 60 gallon. I'm thinking either Fluval 404 of the Rena XP3. Any comments on either of those?
I've been very pleased with various fluval filters and never needed any spares-there are same size filters twice the price but why bother
I haven't had any experience with the other filters so I can't speak for them....but I've had an Eheim 2217 classic canister for a few years now and its been a tremendous filter. For a 20 gallon you could use it as your main filter and it will provide all the water circulation you need too.

In fact a 2217 may be a little large for your 20 gallon but then you can never overkill too much....if water circulation is too much you can take the spraybar off and just let the water come out the hose....which is hard to see either of them if you place them at the top.

My 2217 has been jam up very solid and extremely quiet....its been silent in fact. I've had many comments from visitors over the years about how the tank has such a nice water current making the plants sway, yet no sound.

Very nice experience with Eheim. :)

The one and only drawback is because you're buying something from socialist Germany you will pay a premium for it.
I just set up my 3rd Filstar Rena XP3. I'm using it in as small as a 29gal tank and it works wonders. Easy setup, easy maintence, quiet.

I have heard good things about the Fluvals and Eheims also.
I use fluvals. I have had experences with Eheims though.

Here's my imput.

Ehiems have tremendous filtering capabilities. The ability to store more boi, mech, and chemical.

But fluvals keep a bit less, but provide more water flow.
ive found fluvals are poorly made and my last one just stopped after a year or so. i now only buy eheim. its more money but they run quiet and for ever. i have a filter thans been running for 8 years 24/7. ive never replaced a single part.

thats only my opinion but id rather pay more and make sure my fish are ok.
What model Fluval was it? And you do know they have a warrenty. And you do no that just because one person had a bad experience doesn't mean that they are all poorly made.

As for me, even thought that my opinion is mine and should not be addressed to all of them, I think all aquaclear filters are horrible.
I have a Fluval 304 running on my cycling 55 and it's dead quiet. I can't tell it's running unless I look at the water surface near the outflow. The current is quite strong on it and they provide enough media baskets it to add a variety of different media to it. I've heard good things about Fluval though I did almost get Ehiem but the costs were just a little too much for my tastes. I don't think it will give me any problems.
I have a fluval 203 from when they first came out and it's been run ever since,I think the point needs to be made that with every mass produced product the odd one will be dodgy.

second point I have a 405 which uses the ribbed hoses instead of smooth tube and these will have longer service life than clear hose and are more flexible do the current Ehiems still use smooth green hose?
Is it me since there is no such thing as a 405 in the US?

Also Teelie, what happens if you limit the flow valve on the 4 series. Can it damaage the housing?>
the only downside of smooth hose is it goes stiff with age, that said it would show fron the discussions that both fluval and Ehiem filters are reliable and people find them good and as both have quick release fittings they should be easier to service.

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