Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

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Cracker I love you and your love of conflict, lmao :lol: :lol:

I'm not even stating my POV because its pointless, lol. I do love how everything seems to start a fight on these forums, its amusing

My thought exactly. We need to be more civil in such debates.

When we were allowed to have those discussions on this forum, I among others had an opportunity to learn and see things from different viewpoints without someone having to run yelling "Fight in the playground!"

I found this completely funny. I'm sorry. But I know what you're talking about with the intellectual conversations and not pissing contests...
How long has he had this tank setup? I admit I'm impressed that there hasn't been any fighting.. But I wonder how long it will last?

They have been together for more than a month now and they are all cool with each other no fighting but there wwere some occassional flarings.
Craker, if you already knew someone thta did it... you jsut wanted ot see peopel react :p.

Personally I think that anyhtign can b done, you jsut need peopel to sometiems think outside the box and realize fishkeeping like anyhting else isn't about black or white, but a HUGE grey area where every individual fish or scenerio is examined carefully.

Keep us updated on how this turns out Cracker. I'm interested in this success story. You keep further pushign the envelope of "proper" fishkeeping by proving that nothing can be set in stone! You go Cracker! :good:

Lol yeah my friends and I are retards we never wanted to get sucked in comfort zone we love to do experiments and trying out something new.

Craker, if you already knew someone thta did it... you jsut wanted ot see peopel react :p .

haha, it was pretty obvious from the title and OP that he was starting something. :shifty: Anyway, I was waiting for the catch Cracker... so more details about the setup please... not that I would try though; I'd be too scared.

Lol Wendywc you can always predict
Cracker I love you and your love of conflict, lmao :lol: :lol:

I'm not even stating my POV because its pointless, lol. I do love how everything seems to start a fight on these forums, its amusing
Geez really, WTF?? :lol:
For once we agree!! :D
I'd love to see how my boys would do together. I know Hector wouldn't do well with anyone. He flares at everything and is pretty full of attitude. I think Sora and Orca might be better. Hector and cleo met once but hector wasn't happy with that xD
There is a thread in the data base of someone's experiment. The fish are pretty nipped up and tattered looking.

I think the key, like with any aggressive fish, is to keep the tank very densely populated to spred the aggression. Nevertheless, I am inclined to think that there will be lots of manuevering for dominance. And if there is a super aggressive boy he will spend all his time chasing and nipping.

Of course this is theorizing based on experience, past advice, and observation of aggressive fish.

As to the concept of keeping bettas together, why not try it, if you have the means to stop it if it goes wrong? Bettas are nothing for aggression and fighting when you look at the wider realms of fishkeeping. Consider puffers that can (and do) cut other fish in half just for fun, or snakeheads that can destroy everything in the tank for something to do. Yet these same fish can also be kept in communities.

So long as the owner of the tank can remove the fish to more generally accepted keeping practices, then it is perfectly good to experiment. Every fish is different. I have seen people who keep one male and one female betta in the same tank with no woes, and have seen others keep male communities with no problems.

These may well be the answers. I've stocked adult angels at double to triple the "acceptable" rate of 10 gallons per fish, and aggression is spread, much like with African cichlids. 15 adults in a 55 get by with a bit of quarreling, but no major damage to any one individual. Take any 3 of these fish and put them in a 29 and it will be a bloodbath in no time.

Aquatics would not advance one bit if more experienced aquarists didn't go past the commonly accepted limits. You could be missing out on a wealth of info by nit picking back & forth on off topic nonsense rather than finding out how and why something though to be impossible can work for another aquarist. If another aquarist has a reasonably easy way to keep male bettas together in the same tank with safe and repeatable results wouldn't you like to know about it?
I love to see how we got this flaming reputation we have now... I have to agree with some people, that domesticated bettas indeed are not wild bettas. They're kept in containers and encouraged to fight, or perhaps were raised in dirty water (not talking about Cracker, but bulk suppliers) and mentally scarred. Maybe the wild ones, for all we know, simply don't fight as much because it had something to do with a level of dominance since birth, which can not be achieved in a 30 gallon growout tank. Or maybe it has something to do with pent up frustrations or years of inbreedings in captivity. Who really knows? Most of us haven't been to the wild rice paddies of Thailand (enlighten us, Cracker! :nod:) so all we can do is know that wild must be different somehow from captive or the species would be extinct.

On the matter of actually keeping them together, well, it might be possible. I have had the most darned timid bettas. If you be careful, I think it's possible, but not the best experiment for the average joe since the pet shop bettas often have, let's say, fish distemper. Even though I don't have the faintest if fish distemper actually means a pi$$y fish or not.

I think Nevergone has a VERY good point. I'm not exactly sure who sparks it, but the betta forum is very opinionated and while not bad in, shall we say, small amounts, if it comes to being a flame war we have to stop. Everybody, including me, can start or be the fault for a fight. Calm and rationalized discussion is fine, but simply calling names will get you nowhere.

Now on another hand, you have to specially pick your bettas. Some people, and fish, just don't mesh. An animal lover and a poacher couldn't stay in the same room without ripping each other apart... and thus, if you have 2+ aggressive bettas you may get them to have an equal share of territory and can get them together. And two gentle bettas will easily work. But a gentle one and an aggressive one, surely you can imagine the outcome. As long as you keep them closely monitored and have the ability to keep them elsewhere if something goes wrong, I see nothing wrong with at least trying.

I have, I admit, disobeyed you guys a bit. :blush: when I first got my breeding pair I did let the two breeders swim together a bit. They did fantastic, but it was only for ten minutes and I put her back in. I tried later, and he attempted to chase her. Luckily I netted her. So maybe it just matters on the time or maybe she was behaving different, who knows?

And finally, I think we broke a record. 4 pages in 12 hours.
What is WTF?

WTF= what the f***, frig, flip, etc...

I think Nevergone has a VERY good point. I'm not exactly sure who sparks it, but the betta forum is very opinionated and while not bad in, shall we say, small amounts, if it comes to being a flame war we have to stop. Everybody, including me, can start or be the fault for a fight. Calm and rationalized discussion is fine, but simply calling names will get you nowhere.

I have, I admit, disobeyed you guys a bit. :blush: when I first got my breeding pair I did let the two breeders swim together a bit. They did fantastic, but it was only for ten minutes and I put her back in. I tried later, and he attempted to chase her. Luckily I netted her. So maybe it just matters on the time or maybe she was behaving different, who knows?

And finally, I think we broke a record. 4 pages in 12 hours.

I shortened up what you said to respond. Thank you for seeing what I'm saying as well as some others :D. 4 pages in 12 hours, hmm... it might just miss the record mark, we'll have ot shoot for that next time :p.

On a serious note, my girlfriend was trying to breed a pair of bettas, everyhting fine let them out. The male NEVER chased the female. He actually destroyed his nest and now they sleep under a leaf together as if they are a couple. It's cute but frustrating. They been together for a month now jsut hanging out without any aggression. Too bad the male is a $40 breeder or else I would tell her keep them together lol. But they need to be seperated and reconditioned :(.
You guys do know Cracker was 100% kidding, right? :p

<<Psst! My first shipment of fish made it in happily and acclimated healthily. :yahoo: >>
He's also seen as a prankster, and people shouldn't take any one person's word, no matter how knowledgeable, as fact.
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