Can Today Be Any Worse....

Poor you! Must have been awful to find her dead like that! I'd offer you mine as she's an absolute beauty, have managed to get her to take food from my hand a few times. I have a male & female and they've slowly been getting a bit aggressive with each other, some weeks it seems like they are being friendly to the point he'll cup his anal fin and I get excited and think they might breed but then nothing and they get nasty with each other for a few weeks. Have been thinking of splitting them for a while now but it was him I wanted to get rid of more as she's such a lovely thing. I've also been thinking maybe they are getting bored as they don't seem as active anymore and look bored IYSWIM I want the best for them both so maybe rehoming would be a good idea.

I know what you mean about covering the holes I'm always really worried about them getting out and dieing, it's gotten so bad I have to put heavy items on the lid as she can lift it! She takes a big swim and jumps at the lid she lifted it a good inch the other day and that was it I was putting bags of gravel on top to stop her. I'm surprised neither of them has really hurt themselves with the force they hit the lid.
i had an unlucky day, while i was on holiday my tank burst my sister put all of my fish into a tiny 5 gallon tank surpriingly none died tho i repaired the tank they are all happy again now
but on a brighter note I've finally found someone who has an Orante Pimelodus and wants to sell it :) hopefully I'll be able to get to him to buy it, for a bargin £40, lowest ive seen it in the shops is £75, and from importers £35 :hyper:

That seems alot my pim only cost me £20
but on a brighter note I've finally found someone who has an Orante Pimelodus and wants to sell it :) hopefully I'll be able to get to him to buy it, for a bargin £40, lowest ive seen it in the shops is £75, and from importers £35 :hyper:

That seems alot my pim only cost me £20

£20 for a orante pim? you either didnt get an ornate, or you had a complete steel at that price.
Well it is an ornate pim. Its only a juvenile here he is hiding under the wood.

:grr: /me is jealous!!

very nice fish, mines more or less fully grown, so you really did get that at a bargin price :good:

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