Can oranda goldfish and lion head goldfish live with pleco?

0 goldfish 0 plecos

Way too small
With a small sponge filter, a couple plants and decor.

It could become a lovely little Shrimp Tank.

It would be a lot more adequate for that kind of setup.
0 goldfish 0 plecos

Goldfish get bigger than the tank is
Even fancy goldfish get larger and WILL outgrow your tank. They will also poison themselves with their fecal matter in the water.

This calico fantail is 8+ inches and hes only 3 years old, so even the fancies can reach a good size.

Try to imagine your small tank with fish this size. It's not humane.
OP please please stop asking about putting fish into tiny tanks, I'm not an expert by any means but a 4 gallon tank isn't big enough for anything other than shrimp if we're being realistic. There's been a number of threads of a similar nature asking what fish you can fit into obscenely small tanks. I'm not sure if there's a limit to how much space you have but please remember these are living beings and we have a responsibility to house them appropriately and ensure their needs are met, which isn't going to happen in 2, 3 or 4 gallon tanks. This isn't a personal attack, it won't be pleasant for you or the fish if you put them in such a tank as they'll be dead within a matter of weeks because of the unsuitable living conditions.
I’m no expert but if you did want to keep a fish in that size tank you might be able to keep a singular male betta in it but I agree with the others that with your tank size a shrimp tank is probably better. :)

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