Can Not Upload Image Anymore


Fish Addict
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Merseyside, UK
When clicking on the insert picture link it is asking for a url, it used to ley me browse my C drive where my images are kept. What hass gone wrong?
directly copy and paste the code into this box
ahh right sorry misread

open a photobucket or similar acc, upload to there copy n paste code here
he problem with photobucket is that you are only allowed a certain bandwidth, there are loads of image on the forum which don't show up anymore because of the limitation or they have been deleted on photobucket.

I was able to upload images as long as it was below 100k
You have to use a hosting site as photos take up too much space to be uploaded directly to the server. There are a few sections where you can attach directly but not in the main forums.

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