Can I Change Water Like This?


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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Previously when i changed water, i would syphon out 90Litres, then when i put the new water in, i would fill up a 30Litre tub, treat it for chlorine, then put in in the tank (do this 3 times for 90 litres).

On my last change, i syphoned out 100Litres, then instead of treating the water in a tub first. I put the hose straight into the tank, and as it was filling would add the conditioner/de-chlorinator bit by bit until the tank was full.

Is this procedure ok? the fish would probably be exposed to some chlorine but only for a very short time. I had the filter off the whole time so untreated water would not get into the filter.

It saves a lot of time doing it like this. But would the dechlorinator still work this way?

The only problem was, I did this water change on saturday, and i just noticed an angel died this afternoon (wednesday). Could this be related? (My tank finished cycling 3-4 weeks ago, i added 22 fish as soon as the cycle was finished, and this is the only fish which died!)

Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate around 10.

It's absolutely fine. Everyone with a "Python" does it that way (or very similar).
i do my water changes that way... i add the untreated water to the tank and either condition before or after adding the water. no one is affected- even the fry. a couple mins won't hurt anyone.

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