Can ghost shrimp breed in freshwater

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Dec 22, 2019
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I think that I see a baby ghost shrimp but I thought that they were like amano shrimp and needed brackish to lay eggs. But my female ghost shrimp has eggs will they hatch in freshwater?
Is this an egg from my ghost shrimp? One female has white eggs under her and the other has green. Why are they different?

The egg looks like a nertite snail egg...

To my knowledge, ghost shrimp will breed and reproduce in freshwater. You may very well be seeing baby ghost shrimp! (Also, GS eggs are typically clear)
Ghost shrimp breed in fresh water


They often will eat their babies as they have a very very tiny larval stage. Best method is to move the berried female ghost to a small tank by herself with no fish or other shrimp, let the eggs hatch (you will know when she no longer is carrying them) and then remove her into the main tank.

The babies need to be fed infusoria a few times a day for the first couple weeks until they eventually molt into mini adults.

These are freshly hatched ghost shrimp larva. They sorta float around for a bit until they bump into something and then cling to it.
I have ghost shrimp and yes they do breed and have young in fresh water. I have two young shrimp in my tank
I am just going to let nature take its course there is alot of moss my tanks and one has survived before so more will probably survive. Thank you for the info tho.
I only have one nerite snail so I dont think that the eggs on the glass is one.
I only have one nerite snail so I dont think that the eggs on the glass is one.
They will still lay eggs without a mate. Though they will be infertile. Nerites need brackish for eggs to hatch though.
I agree with @NCaquatics they do lay eggs on their own only they need brackish water for the eggs to hatch. I have nerites in all my tanks except the turtle tank and they all have eggs on the glass.;)
My amano has actually bred in freshwater. I really don't know how possible is this but ok.
My amano has actually bred in freshwater. I really don't know how possible is this but ok.
That isn’t possible.

Amano shrimp can produce eggs in freshwater, but they will never hatch. Amano eggs will only hatch in brackish, saltwater. (Much like nerite snail eggs)

Maybe you got it confused with one of your ghost shrimp. :)
They will still lay eggs without a mate. Though they will be infertile. Nerites need brackish for eggs to hatch though.
I agree. I have hundreds on Zebra Nerite snail eggs in my 29g tank. None of them will ever hatch without, 1( Having a male to fertilize the eggs, or, 2( The eggs being in brackish water.
That isn’t possible.

Amano shrimp can produce eggs in freshwater, but they will never hatch. Amano eggs will only hatch in brackish, saltwater. (Much like nerite snail eggs)

Maybe you got it confused with one of your ghost shrimp. :)
I'm sure it was an amano shrimp, its just the way it was moving. I don't have ghosties :)
I got single nerites in all my tanks... and two are female. Eggs, eggs everywhere lol
That’s the problem with Nerite snails. There is no easy way to sex them.

I was unlucky and got a female lol. They are very annoying to scrape of the glass and my neon tetras think they are food. :rolleyes:

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