Can Anyone Identify My Plec?

I can guarantee that every other guess on this thread is wrong, 100% Leporacanthicus genus, the mouth gives it away
I can guarantee that every other guess on this thread is wrong, 100% Leporacanthicus genus, the mouth gives it away

I agree - The pic I posted (2 or 3 posts up) is from the link you provided. It looks identical, especially the strange body and mouth shape.

Are these a common plec, or are they quite rare?

The person who gave it to me always liked his exotic plecos
100% Leporacanthicus genus, the mouth gives it away

agreed, you can't mistake a mouth like that....

Are these a common plec, or are they quite rare?

Leporacanthicus themselves are fairly common, L264 for example is often for sale in my area...your one though i think is somewhat less common. I'd still class Leporacanthicus as an exotic plec though if that makes you feel better:)
Anyone know how much they would be worth?

I need to take out the 2 none BN plecs from my tank as they're getting too big, and I'm worried for the Discus.

I don't want to ask much for them, but as I don't have a clue if they're worth £1 or £100, its hard to name a price.

By the way, the money is paying for better living conditions for the Discus (RO water and a new external filter) - I'm not trying to turn a profit or anything sinister like that.

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