Can Anyone Help Me With My Guppies ?

does it take up to 24hours for hr to give birth?
what if she has been in there for 2 days and she is starting to give birth and it takes 24 hours?
depends on the fish for time.
a less experienced female will take longer than one that has had 6 previous drops.
also if the female is stressed she will hang on
oh ,
im pretty sure this is the frst time she has been pregnant.
im thinking..
of putting her in the tank for the babies. and let her have her fry in there. without the breeding trap.
BUT .. i dont want her eating her babies.
i want to put her in there so she doesnt get stressed being in the breeding trap .
Jenna, if you put the female in your breeding tank and she has her babies, it would be best to remove her as soon as she is done. The female will end up eating any babies she catches which is why people have been suggesting plants in the breeder tank. The plants give the babies a hiding place until mom can be removed and put back into the community tank. The other alternative is to use a breeder trap for the mother. That way the babies will fall through into the main part of the tank and she won't be able to get to them. The problem with most breeder traps is that they are too small for the female to spend much time there. Its just too cramped for her to get comfortable.
This is all im going to say Jenna. You asked for help and you want your babies to survive, but your tank is severly over stocked. If you actually care aobut your fish, then you will remove your angels and the shark. Thats all im going to say at this point.
lol ,
seems like your getting mad.
ok ok ,
i have had my pregnant platty in the smaller tank whic i bought. and i have had her in the breeding trap for 2 days. and i have removed her from that now. and keep an eye on her and then i will put her in there overnight. and keep an eye on her.
because this is the only pregnant guppy i have.
i have removed her from the tank and put her in the smaller tank..
i havent put her in the breeding trap just yet. because she's not really big (pregnant). and onthis saturday it will be 28 days. so thats when i will put her in.
Im not mad, im just frustrated. You are able to take those fish back, i've been keeping since four, and if i ever have a fish that i cant keep properly, i am able to take it back. You are planning on expanding oyur fish selection with more babies, when you dont have space for your own fish in the begining
oh ,
im not putting any of the babies in the normal tank with them anyway.
and if i get too many babies.
im probably going to give them away or sell them to the local pet shop.
just be care full its easy saying you'll give them away or sell to the LFS now but you will struggle to do it, trust me i had well over 100 at one point
im like that too!
but i have a tank especially for the fry.
just for the time being.
so did i, i had 1 then 2 then 3 4, 5,6 ........ i think you get me
then in the end i had to seperate all my males and females and luckily had friends just starting out so they took a few
i'll prob deal with that when it gets to that point.
the only thing.
i really dont know if their pregnant or not?!
and whether i should put them in the breeding trap when ?
and all stuff like that.
i really need someone to help me.
jenna you do know your angelfish will eat your neons when it gets big enough :crazy:
i remember chatting to you about 3 weeks ago did your guppy have babys then?
well looking at the pictures IF they are pregnant they aren't very far gone
and as for dealing with it then, then WILL be too late trust me on that lol

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