Can Anyone Help Me With My Guppies ?

We need the 3 dimensions of your tank length, depth and width, we also need to know how long ago you set it up one month ago 4 months ago.

What people are trying to do is work out if your tank is over stocked, your fish are conpatable and we will try to help you, It doesn't matter which country you are in the principals of fish keeping are the same and across the world, you are worried about your fry but what we are trying to explain is it is all about your tank if your stocking is wrong then the female fish will abort if they are too stressed, imaginge a nightclub with 5 lads to every lass she would soon get fed up fish are the same.

Guppies and plattys tend to always look pregnant but you will soon come to know they will get much bigger than you would expect.

Fry like good water conditions to grow well and that is why we need this information,
im only 13..
but i really don't know.
the width is 70cm
and the depth is 40cm
that's all i know.
sorry :(
So , thats roughly 44 gallons? Ohhh, age really isnt a valid excuse, im only 14! :D
How long has this tank been set up? If you want your fry to make it, i would take the angels back as they love to eat baby guppies! I would get another 8 females as your females are amlost garunteed to die or abort given the amount of males.
ok if it is 70cm long 40 cm deep and 40cm wide it is about 112 litres 25 uk gallons 30 US gallons. When I said 3 measurements I meant the length of the front the height of the front and how far it stand out from the wall the picture below should help. We need the 3 red measurements.

Right the Angel fish will eat fry and could nip the tails of the male guppies I would think about rehoming them, they will also need plenty of space when fully grown.

You need more female guppies if you want to keep 5 males so you need to honestly think if you can cope with the fry from 12 females which could be up to a thousand per month. If not you need to get rid of some of your males ensuring you have atleast 2 females to every male but preferably 3 or get rid of all the females and keep male only.

If you plan to sell fry then you need them to be about fingernail size for a pet shop to take them so you need to keep them in the tank for about 6-8 weeks.

You said you have 17 fish but you only listed 12 so what else do you have are they live bearers or what?
Well, about the 30g, i put those mesurments in the Aquarium calculator, and got 44g, so im confused. Angels can get aggresiive, and i've had them mutilate and destroy guppies, especially males as their colorful and easier to spot.
the measurements are..
700mm wide x 260mm long x 400mm
the fish i have got in my tank are
2 angel fish
2 platties
1 shark
1 mollie
4 neons
4 male guppies
2 female guppies

only have 16 fish now.. as one of the male guppies died.
we have got a replacement on that. but were not going to get another one. because we have too many male guppies as it is.

also. i don't think i can take the angel fish back. as i have had them for a long time.. and i don't know anyone who has a tropical tank..
i bought 3 more plant's today for the baby fry that will come soon.
im thinking of doing.. when it has been roughly 28 days. i will place 1 female pregnant guppie in the breeding trap for 1 day MAX! then if she hasnt had her babies. i will take her out and put the other one in for 1 day MAX.. and maybe keep swaping them.. so i will have most fry saved..
is that a good idea?
how long can i keep them in my breeding trap for MAX?
ooh and i was wondering.. if one of my pregnant guppies have their fry in the tank. i know how to feed them.. with my fish food.. crushed up into FINE powder. but how do i feed themm.. and also my other fish ?
won't the fry come up and get eaten ?.. and then the other fish will eat the fries food ?

Oh really?
i have had my angel fish for quite a long time.. and nothing has happened to my guppies.
the tank has been set up for about a year now.
right the tank is 73 litres 16uk gallons 19 us gallons

so you thank is fully stocked if not over stocked.

you will need to keep a close eye on the water quality with a good test kit and do regular water changes.

for compatability angel fish when fully grown may eat the neons, nip fins and eat fry.

what type of shark is it just so some one with more experiance of sharks can help as I don't know much about them.

I would honestly not worry about saving fry unless you can set up a second tank for them as you have so many preditory fish by the time they are too big for the breader net the will still be too small and fall prey to angle fish and sharks.
yeah i think thats a good idea.
next weekend we will buy a little tank.. with heater/filter and all that..
for the fry.. so the fish can't eat them.
would we put the pregnant guppie in that tank.. and then as soon as it's had it's babies.
i could take her out. and put her in the normal tank ..
Okay, your tank is WAYYYY over stocked. I would take the angel's back to your petstore in exchange for store credit. You may not WANT to give them up, but it's BETTER for the fish if they have a bigger tank. You should also ditch the shark.If you ditch the angels and the shark you should be fine. You will definatley need another tnak for fry if you want to save them.
the measurements are..
700mm wide x 260mm long x 400mm
the fish i have got in my tank are
2 angel fish
2 platties
1 shark
1 mollie
4 neons
4 male guppies
2 female guppies

only have 16 fish now.. as one of the male guppies died.
we have got a replacement on that. but were not going to get another one. because we have too many male guppies as it is.

also. i don't think i can take the angel fish back. as i have had them for a long time.. and i don't know anyone who has a tropical tank..
i bought 3 more plant's today for the baby fry that will come soon.
im thinking of doing.. when it has been roughly 28 days. i will place 1 female pregnant guppie in the breeding trap for 1 day MAX! then if she hasnt had her babies. i will take her out and put the other one in for 1 day MAX.. and maybe keep swaping them.. so i will have most fry saved..
is that a good idea?
how long can i keep them in my breeding trap for MAX?
ooh and i was wondering.. if one of my pregnant guppies have their fry in the tank. i know how to feed them.. with my fish food.. crushed up into FINE powder. but how do i feed themm.. and also my other fish ?
won't the fry come up and get eaten ?.. and then the other fish will eat the fries food ?

Oh really?
i have had my angel fish for quite a long time.. and nothing has happened to my guppies.
the tank has been set up for about a year now.

The angel fish will certainly eat any fish that are born in the tank and angelfish have often been known to attack male guppys- there is a buy/sell/swap section on the forum you can try rehoming the angelfish on (and besides the tank isn't really large enough for full grown angelfish in the long term i'm afraid). You should also ideally rehome the shark as there are no shark type fish which are really suitable for a tank under 25-30gallons.

With platys, guppys and mollys you should have at least 2-3females per male- the way of telling the genders apart is the same for both mollys, guppys and platys. All male guppys/mollys/platys have very high sex drives and will certainly over-harass the females if you do not have enough females per male- this will make the females rather stressed and they may delay having fry or could fall ill etc. Mollys, guppys and platys are all sociable fish and prefer the company of their own kind, the minimum advised amount is at least a trio of each.

Neons are shoaling fish and certainly do best when kept in a shoal of at least 6-8neons, another reason why you should rehome the angels is that the neons are likely to become food for the angels as the angelfish grow as neon tetras are adult angelfishes food/prey in the wild.

I would advise you change your stocking to something more like this;

6 guppys (2males 4 females)
4 platys (1 male 3 females)
4 mollys (1 male 3 females)
6 neon tetras

And rehome the angelfish and shark :nod: .
You tank is about 19 US gallons;

Dimensions 70 x 26 x 40cm/28" x 10" x 16
Surface area 0.18 sqm/1.94 sq ft/ inches sq in
Volume 73 l./16 gal. (19.28 US gal.)
Probable volume 66 l./14 gal. (17 US gal.)

:thumbs: .
Oh ,
i can't really. the angel fish has been fine with all the other fish. there like small.
oh the shark is small too.
i havent noticed any harrassing fromthe shark.
what i should really do.. is buy more females. since one died.
so i REALLY need to buy a few more females for the males.
i have 2 mollies. im not sure what gender they are though.
im buying a tank today.
im wondering..
im gonna put the pregnant fsh into that tank.. and then take her out straight away when she's had her babies.
or should i put breeding tank in the other tank.. and empty fry into the tank for just them.. and take the mum out.
BUT im wondering. should i need pebbles for them and plants?
The angel and the shark might be small now but they will only stay that way if they are in a tank with poor water quality, underfed. Angelfish can grow to be the size of a handspan, sometimes more and if it's a silver (blacktipped) shark or a red tailed black you're talking about both can easily reach 20cm. They will terrorise your other fish.

If you are going to put fry in the other tank you will need to cycle it. You can keep plants in pots without gravel. None of my fry tanks have gravel, it's too hard to keep them clean as fry are messy and grow fast. I would put the female in the baby tank. If you have a fry tank you can buy large breeding traps that have holes in them for babies to fall through into the main body of the tank. If you just put the mother in loose put a tray of loose gravel in the tank for them to hide, that's where she can't get them.
i have set up the tank for the fry..
instead i have put like marbles in there.. instead of pebbles..
and i have a breeding trap. i was thinking of putting the breeding trap into the baby tank..putting the mother in the breeding trap.. and when she has her babies. oyut her in the other tank and release the babies into the baby tank.. by simply tipping out the breeding trap.
im not putting the fry into the other tank at all..
so none of the other fish wont eat the fry at all.
in the tank for the fry.
it is Well big enough for the fry to live in there without tranfering them into the other tank.
what is the longest i can keep the mother in the breeding trap for ? until she gets stressed..
i wouldn't leave her in there for any more than 48 hours, if she seems stressed before that then she should be removed straight away

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