Can Anyone Help Me With My Guppies ?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2008
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hey , im 13 years old. and i have 5 male guppies and 2 female guppies. about a day after i bought the 5 male guppies. i noticed a gravid spot on BOTH of my female guppies. and from what i have been looking up. they are pregnant. :hyper: which i was hoping for it. i have got a breeding trap for guppies. and is it ok to put the two female pregnant guppies in the breeding tank at the same time ? i have marked on a calender for roughly 28 days. so thats when were planning to put them both in there. the thing is. i don't know how long i can leave them in the breeding trap together for. i want to keep these frys.. but i dont want to risk taking the pregnant guppies out because they have not had them, because all my family will be at work/school. and no one is there to keep an eye on them.
i don't really want to buy plants just yet for the new fry if the guppies have them in the tank. so thats why i bought a breeding trap. so can anyone help ?
and give me some more information on how to raise them ?
thanks. jenna. :good:
Are all the Gupps in one tank? Really you should be looking at a ratio of at least 2 females to 1 male (your boys could pester you girls to death) Personally, I wouldn't put them in the same breeding trap as mum may eat the fry if she thinks they will be thretened. Plant make good hiding places for baby gupps, so if they are going to stay in the same tank as the adults, you may want to offer them some protection.
Oh, well. i dont know. here is pictures of my two female guppies.
but. i have the breeding trap. it's got the V shaped divider so the fry slide down there and their in the other part.

yer their both in one tank..
how long can i keep the guppies in the trap for? so they dont get too stressed. cos as i said no one will be home to watch them if i take them out..


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If that plant that is in the picture was heavy in a large part of the tank, the breeding trap would not be needed. The fry will hide in places like those plants and some of them will survive. Most people do not have enough room to raise all of the fry but a plant of that type, with lots of small leaves, gives enough fry a hiding place to get some from each batch. Like you said, there will be a new batch every month from each female so you will quickly run out of room if they all survive.
Oh ,
the plants in that photo arent as big as they seem.
Oo and we have bought them plants b4. the fish eat them REAL quick!
so. i want to be safe.
It's hard but you dont want a full tank, I would just let the fry hide in the plants without a net =\
Oh you think?
i was thinking if i get TOO much. i would sell them
buh still.
i will see what happens. i wont worry about it too much if they dont give birth in the breeding tank.. but i will try to.
thanks for everything.
Oo .
thanks everyone.
i am going to buy 3 more plants on sunday.
to fill up the tank more and for the guppies for the fry.. just INCASE she has them not in the breeding tank.
You need to do something about your ratio of males to females. I have a tank with plastic plants and don't bother with a trap and lots survive, the thing is LFS won't tak them till they are a decent size and by about 2 months your tank will become overcrowded unless it is very large, how big is your tank?
hey ,
it's about 2ft.
i live in australia though.. lol ,
thanks. xox
Those guppies are barely pregnant. At the most a few days. How long has your tank been set up? How many and what kind of fish are in it? How big is it?( gallons, litres, ect?).
i know.. but now there starting to get a bellie :)
my tank has been set up for a while.
but i only got male guppies the other day..
so yeah.
i have marked on a calender for when abouts their due..
i have abot 17 fish in the tank. and my tank is 2ft.. roughly.
i have about.. 2 angel fish 2 female guppies. 5 male guppies.. 2 platties 1 mollie and fish like that..
also we have 2 snails in the tank..
and that's about it..
both of them are starting to get a bellie on them..
and their gravid spot is getting bigger and darker :)
If it's at all possible you have to get more females in there. You will never get fry otherwise, the males will harass them so much they will abort. Dimensions would be best. Listen to Krib :)

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