New Member
Jun 10, 2004
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Can somebody help me? I am a new starter into the fish world but i'm very eager to start my own mini aquarium.

What fish go together?
How many fish can go in a tank/minimum space required per fish?
How much do i need to feed my fish?
Any suggestions on types of food/nutrients/diets etc...
How can i tell if my fish contracts a disease?
What types of fish diseases are out there?
What are the cures for sucj diseases/virus's?

If anybody could give me some information it would be greatly apprceiated.


I really don't mean to sound rude, or lieka smart-elic, but at the top of this forum there are about 6 or 7 good titles you should read starting with the very first one: "Advice for the absolute beginner", followed by "Fish Diseeses".
wat size is ur tank?
u should get a big 1 to start out w/.

What fish go together?
livebearers, tertas, danios all go together.
african cichlids go w/african cichlids
etc. it all depends on what u want.

How many fish can go in a tank/minimum space required per fish?
1 inch of adult sized fish, minimum tank size depends on the fish

How much do i need to feed my fish?
i feed mine twice a day. but not much. you dont want to have them over eat.

Any suggestions on types of food/nutrients/diets etc...
flakes are basic, u could also get pellets, some fish like plecos and corycats like aleeage wafers.

How can i tell if my fish contracts a disease?
they act diffrently. on the site that this forum goes to theres a disease apge.

What types of fish diseases are out there?
a bunch.

What are the cures for sucj diseases/virus's?
some need medicines, but some cant be treated. or its hard to cure the fish.
If you're just starting out with this, I'd get some tetras or livebearers (guppies, mollies, swordtails, platys), and a few corys... Be sure you have enough space though. If you're getting a really small tank, bettas are nice.

The general rule of thumb as far as stocking goes is one inch of fish per gallon of water--for example, an inch long fish will need a gallon of water, a two inch fish will need two gallons, and so on. It also depends on the fish though. Some will require a bit more space.

Feed them as much as they can consume in five minutes. Do not overfeed them, as any food left in the tank too long can foul the water.

This also depends on your fish, though I like Hikari brand food for just about everything. They add vitamins and things to their food, IMO the best brand there is...

It will be fairly obvious. Watch for panting, fish swimming on their sides, discoloration, sudden changes in behavior, that kind of thing.

Watch out for ich and fungus, mostly--ich is a type of parasite, it looks like little white spots on your fish. Fungus looks like tufts of cottony white stuff growing on the fish, especially on their mouths.

There are a number of ich/fungus/other remedies availible, the main thing is, don't overdo the medication. In other words, don't dump three different kinds of chemicals in there at the first sign of disease. Also, be sure that all your fish can tolerate whatever you end up using.
Go through all the different forums on this sight, as well as other sights. Just keep reading different posts about the different kinds of fish. Go to your lfs and look around, without buying. Your lfs will sell you ANYTHING, they don't care whether it goes together or not. They'll tell you what you want to hear also, not always what's best for the fish. So keep reading and looking around and then figure out what you want to buy.
I've already traded in fish also. I bought emperor tetras, they didn't school like I had hoped. So I traded them in for rummies.. :cool: :cool: :cool: . Some stores will let you do that also. :D
I'd really recommend you get a book about fishkeeping and read it. It will answer the questions you just asked and others aswell.

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