Can A "marine" Classified Be Added?

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This is being discussed in the moderator's section.
Yay! Thank you tolak, now I will be able to find stuff for my up and coming tank if the idea is agreed on.
Lol nick tropical does not mean freshwater...You think everyone who goes in the brackish and cold water sections should also join another forum?
I don't keep any marine things yet, and I think it is one of, if not the best section in this forum!
I think, if there is enough marine adverts, that there should be another section.
I have kept and bred fish for 34 years now...both cold water, fresh water and marines......
The attitude of a few "self appointed mods ", none registered to the forum ,has shown me that is not the forum for me...hope the serious keepers on here continue to enjoy their hobby ,..... I for one will be continuing my love of the hobby on other sites from here on in as we are obviously not welcome by a few on here !!!
I have kept and bred fish for 34 years now...both cold water, fresh water and marines......
The attitude of a few "self appointed mods ", none registered to the forum ,has shown me that is not the forum for me...hope the serious keepers on here continue to enjoy their hobby ,..... I for one will be continuing my love of the hobby on other sites from here on in as we are obviously not welcome by a few on here !!!
Just ignore them, few are in the marine section anyway :lol:
Whilst there are some who do appear to think this forum should be tropical freshwater only, the posts in this thread by some of the SW keepers seem to imply that if you don't agree with everything they suggest (a classified section included) then that itself implies you are one of those anti-marine people.

Nobody seems to have answered my earlier query...

As another point, I would disagree with whichever people said that the (very few) SW adverts got pushed to the bottom. On bot the Equipment and Livestock sections (the main ones any marine stuff would be in), the first page goes down to at least the 23rd of August. It's the 29th today, I'd say you've had plenty of time to look at the items, if there are any.
OMG what the heck is going on, has it now got to a point where we can't have a disagreement or difference of opinion without it becoming a slanging match.

Tropical means warm water, salty or not

The Marine section is growing all the time and all we asked was that the Mods consider a sub-section for Marine classifieds, which as Tolak has already said is being discussed by the Mods - that's what we asked for and that is what the Mods are doing.

I suspect we, the marine section will now withdraw and await the Mods decision whatever that may be, so on that note I respectfully ask my fellow salties to withdraw from this discussion and await a decision :good:

Seffie x

Oh and Buddy me darling, you ain't going anywhere...................... we need you :nod:
so i might have made a slight error (i can own up to that, you dont see me leaving the forum) but oohFeshy is totally right, until ther are more adverts relating to marine equipment etc, why make another forum, and of course then you have to appoint someone to patrol it.

i say, for you marine people (who seem to think if they dont get their own way they will cut their nose off and march out of the forum) you should put your ad's in the normal equipment section and when more and more people post and seel stuff then there should be a section added.

there may be kids out there with large gobs but hang on, you are the adults and you should review the way you behave! common sense and rational thinking? ive seen more at the zoo..... Everything is always blamed on the Kids? when do we get praise?
there may be kids out there with large gobs but hang on, you are the adults and you should review the way you behave

your words not ours...try to practise what you preach !!!!!

people could just join a marine and tropical forum or just a pure marine one, there is enough of them around

also your own I have !!!
Mate what is your problem why can't you just drop it. If the mods decide to add
it I hope You never hav the pain of looking at it.

Grow up and leave it to the people that run the forum.

As for your point of not being much marine stuff sold........ever consider that might be because there is not a specific section for it and we go to other places to sell which is of no
benefit to tropical marine keepers on here
I must admit I would like a marine section on the classified area. I suspect it would be slow to start but once people realised it was there it would start to grow. It would be nice not having to trawl through tropical stuff to find a couple of marine bits!

We currently have to go elsewhere for sales etc.

Our marine section is growing daily, which is great, now all we need is a port of call for all marine sales etc.

Seffie x


I agree, a marine section would be great. At the moment I never bother looking at the classifieds on this forum unless I'm looking for a generic item (like a tank) and I would never bother trying to sell my marine stuff on here as the people that are likely to want to buy it wont be able to find it amongst all the FW stuff.
Just a Marine classifieds, split into livestock and hardware would be brilliant. Yes it might not get used that much but as seffie said their are a lot more SW people coming on here now and lots of people who are just getting into it so I think it would eventually get quite a bit of use.

Whilst there are some who do appear to think this forum should be tropical freshwater only, the posts in this thread by some of the SW keepers seem to imply that if you don't agree with everything they suggest (a classified section included) then that itself implies you are one of those anti-marine people.

Nobody seems to have answered my earlier query...

As another point, I would disagree with whichever people said that the (very few) SW adverts got pushed to the bottom. On bot the Equipment and Livestock sections (the main ones any marine stuff would be in), the first page goes down to at least the 23rd of August. It's the 29th today, I'd say you've had plenty of time to look at the items, if there are any.

Learn to read Oofeeshy. Thats why we want a sub forum. We currently use elsewhere.
i probably shouldnt but i sort of take offence to some of the above sentences as i dont think its down to just kids with big gobs

as i also think theres a fair few adults that say what they think aswell
Well said truck coz obviously nick and oohfeeshy and now bae just want to cause havoc.

Nothing more really needs said, it's not anything to do with any of us if we get it or not. reasons for and against have been given now it's to the powers that be to decide
Bae and Truck, the comments are not directed at you. They really are not. This forum is being taken over by children who want to be managers and people that think marines don't exist.

That is the Problem. People don't want to stay on a forum with that attitude. We will find other forums that do care care about aboput marine members. All we want is somewhere to seel marine specific stuff so that we can spend more time on here. Not a club with managers ands secretarys.

As such, the ttitudes of members matter, what was once a friendly forum has turned into a playground, that is what the objection is.
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