Calling All Brits- Fishless Cycle Ammonia Query

If your really having trouble finding ammonia, you may want to put fish food in your tank, or wee in your tank :)

I'm pretty sure taking a widdle in the tank will do more bad than good. I have no evidence to back this up, but I don't think urea would be too good for fish.
ive seen tanks cycled with urine before.
haha urine, but well if it's not harmful might be good to use :p

Oh I've read & learned in somewhere on here, plants that are dying (/rottening) is good for fisheless cycle too. I can't find pure ammonia here. On 19th feb 2006, I've filled the 1 gallon tank with gravel, 1 stem of going-to-die Elodea (turned yellow and seems like starting decomposing, soft leaves), my other tank water and air pump. I didn't check the stats of the water at that point since I am sure my main fish tank water is fine.

after few days, I added little fish food. Few days later it turned a bit smelly.

But today(27th feb) it seems totally fine now (without the smell). And I have checked the water stats.

ammonia: 0.8
nitrite : 7
nitrate: 20

:p so it actually works. I am guessing it's nitrite(NO2) spike?
In the US i had no trouble finding pure ammonia. It is pretty much in every hardware store.

But I have read over and over that’s it’s impossible to find in the UK and Australia.

Anyone know why? Is it considered hazardous or something? Are there strict laws on other common chemicals?

Just curious. :)
In the US i had no trouble finding pure ammonia. It is pretty much in every hardware store.

But I have read over and over that’s it’s impossible to find in the UK and Australia.

Anyone know why? Is it considered hazardous or something? Are there strict laws on other common chemicals?

Just curious. :)

I really don't know why it's hard to get to get in the UK or Australia. I know I made the mistake of looking initially for pure ammonia and discounting anything with ammonia and water :*)

Boots and Homebase are the two best places I have heard for ammomia in the Uk. Boots is where I got mine.
after searching several DIY stores and chemists i managed to find some 9.5% household ammonia in my corner shop, of all places.

IMO sometimes its worth looking in the smaller shops or hardware stores too

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